Version: 3.2.7
wxMediaCtrl Class Reference

#include <wx/mediactrl.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for wxMediaCtrl:

Detailed Description

wxMediaCtrl is a class for displaying various types of media, such as videos, audio files, natively through native codecs.

wxMediaCtrl uses native backends to render media, for example on Windows there is a ActiveMovie/DirectShow backend, and on Macintosh there is a QuickTime backend.

Rendering media

Depending upon the backend, wxMediaCtrl can render and display pretty much any kind of media that the native system can - such as an image, mpeg video, or mp3 (without license restrictions - since it relies on native system calls that may not technically have mp3 decoding available, for example, it falls outside the realm of licensing restrictions).

For general operation, all you need to do is call Load() to load the file you want to render, catch the EVT_MEDIA_LOADED event, and then call Play() to show the video/audio of the media in that event.

More complex operations are generally more heavily dependent on the capabilities of the backend. For example, QuickTime cannot set the playback rate of certain streaming media - while DirectShow is slightly more flexible in that regard.


When wxMediaCtrl plays a file, it plays until the stop position is reached (currently the end of the file/stream). Right before it hits the end of the stream, it fires off a EVT_MEDIA_STOP event to its parent window, at which point the event handler can choose to veto the event, preventing the stream from actually stopping.


// bind the media event
Bind(wxMY_ID, wxEVT_MEDIA_STOP, &MyFrame::OnMediaStop, this);
void MyFrame::OnMediaStop(wxMediaEvent& evt)
if( userWantsToSeek )
m_mediactrl->Seek(m_mediactrl->Length() - 1);
void Bind(const EventTag &eventType, Functor functor, int id=wxID_ANY, int lastId=wxID_ANY, wxObject *userData=NULL)
Binds the given function, functor or method dynamically with the event.
Event wxMediaCtrl uses.
Definition: mediactrl.h:80
void Veto()
Prevents the change announced by this event from happening.
wxEventType wxEVT_MEDIA_STOP
Definition: mediactrl.h:460

When wxMediaCtrl stops, either by the EVT_MEDIA_STOP not being vetoed, or by manually calling Stop(), where it actually stops is not at the beginning, rather, but at the beginning of the stream. That is, when it stops and play is called, playback is guaranteed to start at the beginning of the media. This is because some streams are not seekable, and when stop is called on them they return to the beginning, thus wxMediaCtrl tries to keep consistent for all types of media.

Note that when changing the state of the media through Play() and other methods, the media may not actually be in the wxMEDIASTATE_PLAYING, for example. If you are relying on the media being in certain state, catch the event relevant to the state. See wxMediaEvent for the kinds of events that you can catch.

Video size

By default, wxMediaCtrl will scale the size of the video to the requested amount passed to either its constructor or Create(). After calling wxMediaCtrl::Load or performing an equivalent operation, you can subsequently obtain the "real" size of the video (if there is any) by calling wxMediaCtrl::GetBestSize(). Note that the actual result on the display will be slightly different when wxMediaCtrl::ShowPlayerControls is activated and the actual video size will be less than specified due to the extra controls provided by the native toolkit. In addition, the backend may modify wxMediaCtrl::GetBestSize() to include the size of the extra controls - so if you want the real size of the video just disable wxMediaCtrl::ShowPlayerControls().

The idea with setting wxMediaCtrl::GetBestSize() to the size of the video is that GetBestSize() is a wxWindow-derived function that is called when sizers on a window recalculate. What this means is that if you use sizers by default the video will show in its original size without any extra assistance needed from the user.

Player controls

Normally, when you use wxMediaCtrl it is just a window for the video to play in. However, some toolkits have their own media player interface. For example, QuickTime generally has a bar below the video with a slider. A special feature available to wxMediaCtrl, you can use the toolkits interface instead of making your own by using the ShowPlayerControls() function. There are several options for the flags parameter, with the two general flags being wxMEDIACTRLPLAYERCONTROLS_NONE which turns off the native interface, and wxMEDIACTRLPLAYERCONTROLS_DEFAULT which lets wxMediaCtrl decide what native controls on the interface. Be sure to review the caveats outlined in Video size before doing so.

Choosing a backend

Generally, you should almost certainly leave this part up to wxMediaCtrl - but if you need a certain backend for a particular reason, such as QuickTime for playing .mov files, all you need to do to choose a specific backend is to pass the name of the backend class to wxMediaCtrl::Create().

The following are valid backend identifiers:

  • wxMEDIABACKEND_DIRECTSHOW: Use ActiveMovie/DirectShow. Uses the native ActiveMovie (I.E. DirectShow) control. Default backend on Windows and supported by nearly all Windows versions. May display a windows media player logo while inactive.
  • wxMEDIABACKEND_QUICKTIME: Use QuickTime. Mac Only. WARNING: May not work correctly when embedded in a wxNotebook.
  • wxMEDIABACKEND_GSTREAMER, Use GStreamer. Unix Only. Requires GStreamer 0.10 along with at the very least the xvimagesink, xoverlay and gst-play modules of gstreamer to function. You need the correct modules to play the relevant files, for example the mad module to play mp3s, etc.
  • wxMEDIABACKEND_WMP10, Use Windows Media Player 10 (Windows only). Works on systems with either Windows Media Player 9 or 10 installed.

Creating a backend

Creating a backend for wxMediaCtrl is a rather simple process. Simply derive from wxMediaBackendCommonBase and implement the methods you want. The methods in wxMediaBackend correspond to those in wxMediaCtrl except for wxMediaCtrl::CreateControl which does the actual creation of the control, in cases where a custom control is not needed you may simply call wxControl::Create().

You need to make sure to use the wxDECLARE_CLASS and wxIMPLEMENT_CLASS macros.

The only real tricky part is that you need to make sure the file in compiled in, which if there are just backends in there will not happen and you may need to use a force link hack (see wxFORCE_LINK_MODULE usage in the mediactrl sample).

There is a rather simple example of how to create a backend in the wxActiveXContainer documentation.


This class supports the following styles:

    By default, the control will automatically adjust its size to exactly fit the size of a loaded video as soon as a video is loaded. If this flag is given, the control will not change its size automatically and it must be done manually (if desired) using Layout(). It is strongly recommended to use this flag and handle control resizing manually (note that this style is only available in wxWidgets 3.1.6, so it is only possible to do it when using this or later version).

Library:  wxMedia
Category:  Multimedia
See also

Public Member Functions

 wxMediaCtrl ()
 Default constructor - you MUST call Create() before calling any other methods of wxMediaCtrl. More...
 wxMediaCtrl (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString &fileName=wxEmptyString, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=0, const wxString &szBackend=wxEmptyString, const wxValidator &validator=wxDefaultValidator, const wxString &name="mediaCtrl")
 Constructor that calls Create(). More...
bool Create (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString &fileName=wxEmptyString, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=0, const wxString &szBackend=wxEmptyString, const wxValidator &validator=wxDefaultValidator, const wxString &name="mediaCtrl")
 Creates this control. More...
wxSize GetBestSize () const
 Obtains the best size relative to the original/natural size of the video, if there is any. More...
double GetPlaybackRate ()
 Obtains the playback rate, or speed of the media. More...
wxMediaState GetState ()
 Obtains the state the playback of the media is in. More...
double GetVolume ()
 Gets the volume of the media from a 0.0 to 1.0 range. More...
wxFileOffset Length ()
 Obtains the length - the total amount of time the media has in milliseconds. More...
bool Load (const wxString &fileName)
 Loads the file that fileName refers to. More...
bool Load (const wxURI &uri)
 Loads the location that uri refers to. More...
bool Load (const wxURI &uri, const wxURI &proxy)
 Loads the location that uri refers to with the proxy proxy. More...
bool LoadURI (const wxString &uri)
 Same as Load(const wxURI& uri). More...
bool LoadURIWithProxy (const wxString &uri, const wxString &proxy)
 Same as Load(const wxURI& uri, const wxURI& proxy). More...
bool Pause ()
 Pauses playback of the media. More...
bool Play ()
 Resumes playback of the media. More...
wxFileOffset Seek (wxFileOffset where, wxSeekMode mode=wxFromStart)
 Seeks to a position within the media. More...
bool SetPlaybackRate (double dRate)
 Sets the playback rate, or speed of the media, to that referred by dRate. More...
bool SetVolume (double dVolume)
 Sets the volume of the media from a 0.0 to 1.0 range to that referred by dVolume. More...
bool ShowPlayerControls (wxMediaCtrlPlayerControls flags=wxMEDIACTRLPLAYERCONTROLS_DEFAULT)
 A special feature to wxMediaCtrl. More...
bool Stop ()
 Stops the media. More...
wxFileOffset Tell ()
 Obtains the current position in time within the media in milliseconds. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxControl
 wxControl (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=0, const wxValidator &validator=wxDefaultValidator, const wxString &name=wxControlNameStr)
 Constructs a control. More...
 wxControl ()
 Default constructor to allow 2-phase creation. More...
bool Create (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=0, const wxValidator &validator=wxDefaultValidator, const wxString &name=wxControlNameStr)
virtual void Command (wxCommandEvent &event)
 Simulates the effect of the user issuing a command to the item. More...
wxString GetLabel () const
 Returns the control's label, as it was passed to SetLabel(). More...
wxString GetLabelText () const
 Returns the control's label without mnemonics. More...
wxSize GetSizeFromTextSize (int xlen, int ylen=-1) const
 Determine the size needed by the control to leave the given area for its text. More...
wxSize GetSizeFromTextSize (const wxSize &tsize) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
wxSize GetSizeFromText (const wxString &text) const
 Determine the minimum size needed by the control to display the given text. More...
void SetLabel (const wxString &label)
 Sets the control's label. More...
void SetLabelText (const wxString &text)
 Sets the control's label to exactly the given string. More...
bool SetLabelMarkup (const wxString &markup)
 Sets the controls label to a string using markup. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxWindow
 wxWindow ()
 Default constructor. More...
 wxWindow (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=0, const wxString &name=wxPanelNameStr)
 Constructs a window, which can be a child of a frame, dialog or any other non-control window. More...
virtual ~wxWindow ()
 Destructor. More...
bool Create (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=0, const wxString &name=wxPanelNameStr)
 Construct the actual window object after creating the C++ object. More...
virtual bool AcceptsFocus () const
 This method may be overridden in the derived classes to return false to indicate that this control doesn't accept input at all (i.e. behaves like e.g. wxStaticText) and so doesn't need focus. More...
virtual bool AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard () const
 This method may be overridden in the derived classes to return false to indicate that while this control can, in principle, have focus if the user clicks it with the mouse, it shouldn't be included in the TAB traversal chain when using the keyboard. More...
virtual bool AcceptsFocusRecursively () const
 Overridden to indicate whether this window or one of its children accepts focus. More...
void DisableFocusFromKeyboard ()
 Disable giving focus to this window using the keyboard navigation keys. More...
bool IsFocusable () const
 Can this window itself have focus? More...
bool CanAcceptFocus () const
 Can this window have focus right now? More...
bool CanAcceptFocusFromKeyboard () const
 Can this window be assigned focus from keyboard right now? More...
virtual bool HasFocus () const
 Returns true if the window (or in case of composite controls, its main child window) has focus. More...
virtual void SetCanFocus (bool canFocus)
 This method is only implemented by ports which have support for native TAB traversal (such as GTK+ 2.0). More...
virtual void EnableVisibleFocus (bool enable)
 Enables or disables visible indication of keyboard focus. More...
virtual void SetFocus ()
 This sets the window to receive keyboard input. More...
virtual void SetFocusFromKbd ()
 This function is called by wxWidgets keyboard navigation code when the user gives the focus to this window from keyboard (e.g. using TAB key). More...
virtual void AddChild (wxWindow *child)
 Adds a child window. More...
bool DestroyChildren ()
 Destroys all children of a window. More...
wxWindowFindWindow (long id) const
 Find a child of this window, by id. More...
wxWindowFindWindow (const wxString &name) const
 Find a child of this window, by name. More...
wxWindowList & GetChildren ()
 Returns a reference to the list of the window's children. More...
const wxWindowList & GetChildren () const
 Returns a const reference to the list of the window's children. More...
virtual void RemoveChild (wxWindow *child)
 Removes a child window. More...
wxWindowGetGrandParent () const
 Returns the grandparent of a window, or NULL if there isn't one. More...
wxWindowGetNextSibling () const
 Returns the next window after this one among the parent's children or NULL if this window is the last child. More...
wxWindowGetParent () const
 Returns the parent of the window, or NULL if there is no parent. More...
wxWindowGetPrevSibling () const
 Returns the previous window before this one among the parent's children or NULL if this window is the first child. More...
bool IsDescendant (wxWindow *win) const
 Check if the specified window is a descendant of this one. More...
virtual bool Reparent (wxWindow *newParent)
 Reparents the window, i.e. the window will be removed from its current parent window (e.g. More...
virtual void AlwaysShowScrollbars (bool hflag=true, bool vflag=true)
 Call this function to force one or both scrollbars to be always shown, even if the window is big enough to show its entire contents without scrolling. More...
virtual int GetScrollPos (int orientation) const
 Returns the built-in scrollbar position. More...
virtual int GetScrollRange (int orientation) const
 Returns the built-in scrollbar range. More...
virtual int GetScrollThumb (int orientation) const
 Returns the built-in scrollbar thumb size. More...
bool CanScroll (int orient) const
 Returns true if this window can have a scroll bar in this orientation. More...
bool HasScrollbar (int orient) const
 Returns true if this window currently has a scroll bar for this orientation. More...
virtual bool IsScrollbarAlwaysShown (int orient) const
 Return whether a scrollbar is always shown. More...
virtual bool ScrollLines (int lines)
 Scrolls the window by the given number of lines down (if lines is positive) or up. More...
virtual bool ScrollPages (int pages)
 Scrolls the window by the given number of pages down (if pages is positive) or up. More...
virtual void ScrollWindow (int dx, int dy, const wxRect *rect=NULL)
 Physically scrolls the pixels in the window and move child windows accordingly. More...
bool LineUp ()
 Same as ScrollLines (-1). More...
bool LineDown ()
 Same as ScrollLines (1). More...
bool PageUp ()
 Same as ScrollPages (-1). More...
bool PageDown ()
 Same as ScrollPages (1). More...
virtual void SetScrollPos (int orientation, int pos, bool refresh=true)
 Sets the position of one of the built-in scrollbars. More...
virtual void SetScrollbar (int orientation, int position, int thumbSize, int range, bool refresh=true)
 Sets the scrollbar properties of a built-in scrollbar. More...
void Center (int dir=wxBOTH)
 A synonym for Centre(). More...
void CenterOnParent (int dir=wxBOTH)
 A synonym for CentreOnParent(). More...
void Centre (int direction=wxBOTH)
 Centres the window. More...
void CentreOnParent (int direction=wxBOTH)
 Centres the window on its parent. More...
void GetPosition (int *x, int *y) const
 This gets the position of the window in pixels, relative to the parent window for the child windows or relative to the display origin for the top level windows. More...
wxPoint GetPosition () const
 This gets the position of the window in pixels, relative to the parent window for the child windows or relative to the display origin for the top level windows. More...
wxRect GetRect () const
 Returns the position and size of the window as a wxRect object. More...
void GetScreenPosition (int *x, int *y) const
 Returns the window position in screen coordinates, whether the window is a child window or a top level one. More...
wxPoint GetScreenPosition () const
 Returns the window position in screen coordinates, whether the window is a child window or a top level one. More...
wxRect GetScreenRect () const
 Returns the position and size of the window on the screen as a wxRect object. More...
virtual wxPoint GetClientAreaOrigin () const
 Get the origin of the client area of the window relative to the window top left corner (the client area may be shifted because of the borders, scrollbars, other decorations...) More...
wxRect GetClientRect () const
 Get the client rectangle in window (i.e. client) coordinates. More...
void Move (int x, int y, int flags=wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING)
 Moves the window to the given position. More...
void Move (const wxPoint &pt, int flags=wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING)
 Moves the window to the given position. More...
void SetPosition (const wxPoint &pt)
 Moves the window to the specified position. More...
void ClientToScreen (int *x, int *y) const
 Converts to screen coordinates from coordinates relative to this window. More...
wxPoint ClientToScreen (const wxPoint &pt) const
 Converts to screen coordinates from coordinates relative to this window. More...
wxPoint ConvertDialogToPixels (const wxPoint &pt) const
 Converts a point or size from dialog units to pixels. More...
wxSize ConvertDialogToPixels (const wxSize &sz) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
wxPoint ConvertPixelsToDialog (const wxPoint &pt) const
 Converts a point or size from pixels to dialog units. More...
wxSize ConvertPixelsToDialog (const wxSize &sz) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void ScreenToClient (int *x, int *y) const
 Converts from screen to client window coordinates. More...
wxPoint ScreenToClient (const wxPoint &pt) const
 Converts from screen to client window coordinates. More...
virtual void ClearBackground ()
 Clears the window by filling it with the current background colour. More...
void Freeze ()
 Freezes the window or, in other words, prevents any updates from taking place on screen, the window is not redrawn at all. More...
void Thaw ()
 Re-enables window updating after a previous call to Freeze(). More...
bool IsFrozen () const
 Returns true if the window is currently frozen by a call to Freeze(). More...
wxColour GetBackgroundColour () const
 Returns the background colour of the window. More...
virtual wxBackgroundStyle GetBackgroundStyle () const
 Returns the background style of the window. More...
virtual int GetCharHeight () const
 Returns the character height for this window. More...
virtual int GetCharWidth () const
 Returns the average character width for this window. More...
virtual wxVisualAttributes GetDefaultAttributes () const
 Currently this is the same as calling wxWindow::GetClassDefaultAttributes(wxWindow::GetWindowVariant()). More...
virtual wxSize GetDPI () const
 Return the DPI of the display used by this window. More...
wxFont GetFont () const
 Returns the font for this window. More...
wxColour GetForegroundColour () const
 Returns the foreground colour of the window. More...
void GetTextExtent (const wxString &string, int *w, int *h, int *descent=NULL, int *externalLeading=NULL, const wxFont *font=NULL) const
 Gets the dimensions of the string as it would be drawn on the window with the currently selected font. More...
wxSize GetTextExtent (const wxString &string) const
 Gets the dimensions of the string as it would be drawn on the window with the currently selected font. More...
const wxRegionGetUpdateRegion () const
 Returns the region specifying which parts of the window have been damaged. More...
wxRect GetUpdateClientRect () const
 Get the update rectangle bounding box in client coords. More...
virtual bool HasTransparentBackground ()
 Returns true if this window background is transparent (as, for example, for wxStaticText) and should show the parent window background. More...
virtual void Refresh (bool eraseBackground=true, const wxRect *rect=NULL)
 Causes this window, and all of its children recursively, to be repainted. More...
void RefreshRect (const wxRect &rect, bool eraseBackground=true)
 Redraws the contents of the given rectangle: only the area inside it will be repainted. More...
virtual void Update ()
 Calling this method immediately repaints the invalidated area of the window and all of its children recursively (this normally only happens when the flow of control returns to the event loop). More...
virtual bool SetBackgroundColour (const wxColour &colour)
 Sets the background colour of the window. More...
virtual bool SetBackgroundStyle (wxBackgroundStyle style)
 Sets the background style of the window. More...
virtual bool IsTransparentBackgroundSupported (wxString *reason=NULL) const
 Checks whether using transparent background might work. More...
virtual bool SetFont (const wxFont &font)
 Sets the font for this window. More...
virtual bool SetForegroundColour (const wxColour &colour)
 Sets the foreground colour of the window. More...
void SetOwnBackgroundColour (const wxColour &colour)
 Sets the background colour of the window but prevents it from being inherited by the children of this window. More...
bool InheritsBackgroundColour () const
 Return true if this window inherits the background colour from its parent. More...
bool UseBgCol () const
 Return true if a background colour has been set for this window. More...
bool UseBackgroundColour () const
 Return true if a background colour has been set for this window. More...
void SetOwnFont (const wxFont &font)
 Sets the font of the window but prevents it from being inherited by the children of this window. More...
void SetOwnForegroundColour (const wxColour &colour)
 Sets the foreground colour of the window but prevents it from being inherited by the children of this window. More...
bool UseForegroundColour () const
 Return true if a foreground colour has been set for this window. More...
bool InheritsForegroundColour () const
 Return true if this window inherits the foreground colour from its parent. More...
void SetPalette (const wxPalette &pal)
virtual bool ShouldInheritColours () const
 Return true from here to allow the colours of this window to be changed by InheritAttributes(). More...
virtual void SetThemeEnabled (bool enable)
 This function tells a window if it should use the system's "theme" code to draw the windows' background instead of its own background drawing code. More...
virtual bool GetThemeEnabled () const
 Returns true if the window uses the system theme for drawing its background. More...
virtual bool CanSetTransparent ()
 Returns true if the system supports transparent windows and calling SetTransparent() may succeed. More...
virtual bool SetTransparent (wxByte alpha)
 Set the transparency of the window. More...
wxEvtHandlerGetEventHandler () const
 Returns the event handler for this window. More...
bool HandleAsNavigationKey (const wxKeyEvent &event)
 This function will generate the appropriate call to Navigate() if the key event is one normally used for keyboard navigation and return true in this case. More...
bool HandleWindowEvent (wxEvent &event) const
 Shorthand for: More...
bool ProcessWindowEvent (wxEvent &event)
 Convenient wrapper for ProcessEvent(). More...
bool ProcessWindowEventLocally (wxEvent &event)
 Wrapper for wxEvtHandler::ProcessEventLocally(). More...
wxEvtHandlerPopEventHandler (bool deleteHandler=false)
 Removes and returns the top-most event handler on the event handler stack. More...
void PushEventHandler (wxEvtHandler *handler)
 Pushes this event handler onto the event stack for the window. More...
bool RemoveEventHandler (wxEvtHandler *handler)
 Find the given handler in the windows event handler stack and removes (but does not delete) it from the stack. More...
void SetEventHandler (wxEvtHandler *handler)
 Sets the event handler for this window. More...
virtual void SetNextHandler (wxEvtHandler *handler)
 wxWindows cannot be used to form event handler chains; this function thus will assert when called. More...
virtual void SetPreviousHandler (wxEvtHandler *handler)
 wxWindows cannot be used to form event handler chains; this function thus will assert when called. More...
long GetExtraStyle () const
 Returns the extra style bits for the window. More...
virtual long GetWindowStyleFlag () const
 Gets the window style that was passed to the constructor or Create() method. More...
long GetWindowStyle () const
 See GetWindowStyleFlag() for more info. More...
bool HasExtraStyle (int exFlag) const
 Returns true if the window has the given exFlag bit set in its extra styles. More...
bool HasFlag (int flag) const
 Returns true if the window has the given flag bit set. More...
virtual void SetExtraStyle (long exStyle)
 Sets the extra style bits for the window. More...
virtual void SetWindowStyleFlag (long style)
 Sets the style of the window. More...
void SetWindowStyle (long style)
 See SetWindowStyleFlag() for more info. More...
bool ToggleWindowStyle (int flag)
 Turns the given flag on if it's currently turned off and vice versa. More...
void MoveAfterInTabOrder (wxWindow *win)
 Moves this window in the tab navigation order after the specified win. More...
void MoveBeforeInTabOrder (wxWindow *win)
 Same as MoveAfterInTabOrder() except that it inserts this window just before win instead of putting it right after it. More...
bool Navigate (int flags=wxNavigationKeyEvent::IsForward)
 Performs a keyboard navigation action starting from this window. More...
bool NavigateIn (int flags=wxNavigationKeyEvent::IsForward)
 Performs a keyboard navigation action inside this window. More...
virtual void Lower ()
 Lowers the window to the bottom of the window hierarchy (Z-order). More...
virtual void Raise ()
 Raises the window to the top of the window hierarchy (Z-order). More...
bool Hide ()
 Equivalent to calling wxWindow::Show(false). More...
virtual bool HideWithEffect (wxShowEffect effect, unsigned int timeout=0)
 This function hides a window, like Hide(), but using a special visual effect if possible. More...
bool IsEnabled () const
 Returns true if the window is enabled, i.e. if it accepts user input, false otherwise. More...
bool IsExposed (int x, int y) const
 Returns true if the given point or rectangle area has been exposed since the last repaint. More...
bool IsExposed (wxPoint &pt) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
bool IsExposed (int x, int y, int w, int h) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
bool IsExposed (wxRect &rect) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
virtual bool IsShown () const
 Returns true if the window is shown, false if it has been hidden. More...
virtual bool IsShownOnScreen () const
 Returns true if the window is physically visible on the screen, i.e. it is shown and all its parents up to the toplevel window are shown as well. More...
bool Disable ()
 Disables the window. More...
virtual bool Enable (bool enable=true)
 Enable or disable the window for user input. More...
virtual bool Show (bool show=true)
 Shows or hides the window. More...
virtual bool ShowWithEffect (wxShowEffect effect, unsigned int timeout=0)
 This function shows a window, like Show(), but using a special visual effect if possible. More...
wxString GetHelpText () const
 Gets the help text to be used as context-sensitive help for this window. More...
void SetHelpText (const wxString &helpText)
 Sets the help text to be used as context-sensitive help for this window. More...
virtual wxString GetHelpTextAtPoint (const wxPoint &point, wxHelpEvent::Origin origin) const
 Gets the help text to be used as context-sensitive help for this window. More...
wxToolTipGetToolTip () const
 Get the associated tooltip or NULL if none. More...
wxString GetToolTipText () const
 Get the text of the associated tooltip or empty string if none. More...
void SetToolTip (const wxString &tipString)
 Attach a tooltip to the window. More...
void SetToolTip (wxToolTip *tip)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void UnsetToolTip ()
 Unset any existing tooltip. More...
int GetPopupMenuSelectionFromUser (wxMenu &menu, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition)
 This function shows a popup menu at the given position in this window and returns the selected id. More...
int GetPopupMenuSelectionFromUser (wxMenu &menu, int x, int y)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
bool PopupMenu (wxMenu *menu, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition)
 Pops up the given menu at the specified coordinates, relative to this window, and returns control when the user has dismissed the menu. More...
bool PopupMenu (wxMenu *menu, int x, int y)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
virtual wxValidatorGetValidator ()
 Validator functions. More...
virtual void SetValidator (const wxValidator &validator)
 Deletes the current validator (if any) and sets the window validator, having called wxValidator::Clone to create a new validator of this type. More...
virtual bool TransferDataFromWindow ()
 Transfers values from child controls to data areas specified by their validators. More...
virtual bool TransferDataToWindow ()
 Transfers values to child controls from data areas specified by their validators. More...
virtual bool Validate ()
 Validates the current values of the child controls using their validators. More...
wxWindowID GetId () const
 Returns the identifier of the window. More...
virtual wxLayoutDirection GetLayoutDirection () const
 Returns the layout direction for this window, Note that wxLayout_Default is returned if layout direction is not supported. More...
virtual wxCoord AdjustForLayoutDirection (wxCoord x, wxCoord width, wxCoord widthTotal) const
 Mirror coordinates for RTL layout if this window uses it and if the mirroring is not done automatically like Win32. More...
virtual wxString GetName () const
 Returns the window's name. More...
wxWindowVariant GetWindowVariant () const
 Returns the value previously passed to SetWindowVariant(). More...
void SetId (wxWindowID winid)
 Sets the identifier of the window. More...
virtual void SetLayoutDirection (wxLayoutDirection dir)
 Sets the layout direction for this window. More...
virtual void SetName (const wxString &name)
 Sets the window's name. More...
void SetWindowVariant (wxWindowVariant variant)
 Chooses a different variant of the window display to use. More...
wxAcceleratorTableGetAcceleratorTable ()
 Gets the accelerator table for this window. More...
wxAccessibleGetAccessible ()
 Returns the accessible object for this window, if any. More...
virtual void SetAcceleratorTable (const wxAcceleratorTable &accel)
 Sets the accelerator table for this window. More...
void SetAccessible (wxAccessible *accessible)
 Sets the accessible for this window. More...
virtual wxAccessibleCreateAccessible ()
 Override to create a specific accessible object. More...
wxAccessibleGetOrCreateAccessible ()
 Returns the accessible object, calling CreateAccessible if necessary. More...
bool Close (bool force=false)
 This function simply generates a wxCloseEvent whose handler usually tries to close the window. More...
virtual bool Destroy ()
 Destroys the window safely. More...
bool IsBeingDeleted () const
 Returns true if this window is in process of being destroyed. More...
virtual wxDropTargetGetDropTarget () const
 Returns the associated drop target, which may be NULL. More...
virtual void SetDropTarget (wxDropTarget *target)
 Associates a drop target with this window. More...
virtual void DragAcceptFiles (bool accept)
 Enables or disables eligibility for drop file events (OnDropFiles). More...
wxSizerGetContainingSizer () const
 Returns the sizer of which this window is a member, if any, otherwise NULL. More...
wxSizerGetSizer () const
 Returns the sizer associated with the window by a previous call to SetSizer(), or NULL. More...
void SetSizer (wxSizer *sizer, bool deleteOld=true)
 Sets the window to have the given layout sizer. More...
void SetSizerAndFit (wxSizer *sizer, bool deleteOld=true)
 Associate the sizer with the window and set the window size and minimal size accordingly. More...
wxLayoutConstraintsGetConstraints () const
 Returns a pointer to the window's layout constraints, or NULL if there are none. More...
void SetConstraints (wxLayoutConstraints *constraints)
 Sets the window to have the given layout constraints. More...
virtual bool Layout ()
 Lays out the children of this window using the associated sizer. More...
void SetAutoLayout (bool autoLayout)
 Determines whether the Layout() function will be called automatically when the window is resized. More...
bool GetAutoLayout () const
 Returns true if Layout() is called automatically when the window is resized. More...
void CaptureMouse ()
 Directs all mouse input to this window. More...
wxCaretGetCaret () const
 Returns the caret() associated with the window. More...
const wxCursorGetCursor () const
 Return the cursor associated with this window. More...
virtual bool HasCapture () const
 Returns true if this window has the current mouse capture. More...
void ReleaseMouse ()
 Releases mouse input captured with CaptureMouse(). More...
void SetCaret (wxCaret *caret)
 Sets the caret() associated with the window. More...
virtual bool SetCursor (const wxCursor &cursor)
 Sets the window's cursor. More...
virtual void WarpPointer (int x, int y)
 Moves the pointer to the given position on the window. More...
virtual bool EnableTouchEvents (int eventsMask)
 Request generation of touch events for this window. More...
wxHitTest HitTest (wxCoord x, wxCoord y) const
 Return where the given point lies, exactly. More...
wxHitTest HitTest (const wxPoint &pt) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
wxBorder GetBorder (long flags) const
 Get the window border style from the given flags: this is different from simply doing flags & wxBORDER_MASK because it uses GetDefaultBorder() to translate wxBORDER_DEFAULT to something reasonable. More...
wxBorder GetBorder () const
 Get border for the flags of this window. More...
virtual void DoUpdateWindowUI (wxUpdateUIEvent &event)
 Does the window-specific updating after processing the update event. More...
virtual WXWidget GetHandle () const
 Returns the platform-specific handle of the physical window. More...
virtual bool HasMultiplePages () const
 This method should be overridden to return true if this window has multiple pages. More...
virtual void InheritAttributes ()
 This function is (or should be, in case of custom controls) called during window creation to intelligently set up the window visual attributes, that is the font and the foreground and background colours. More...
virtual void InitDialog ()
 Sends an wxEVT_INIT_DIALOG event, whose handler usually transfers data to the dialog via validators. More...
virtual bool IsDoubleBuffered () const
 Returns true if the window contents is double-buffered by the system, i.e. if any drawing done on the window is really done on a temporary backing surface and transferred to the screen all at once later. More...
void SetDoubleBuffered (bool on)
 Turn on or off double buffering of the window if the system supports it. More...
virtual bool IsRetained () const
 Returns true if the window is retained, false otherwise. More...
bool IsThisEnabled () const
 Returns true if this window is intrinsically enabled, false otherwise, i.e. if Enable() Enable(false) had been called. More...
virtual bool IsTopLevel () const
 Returns true if the given window is a top-level one. More...
virtual void OnInternalIdle ()
 This virtual function is normally only used internally, but sometimes an application may need it to implement functionality that should not be disabled by an application defining an OnIdle handler in a derived class. More...
virtual bool SendIdleEvents (wxIdleEvent &event)
 Send idle event to window and all subwindows. More...
virtual bool RegisterHotKey (int hotkeyId, int modifiers, int virtualKeyCode)
 Registers a system wide hotkey. More...
virtual bool UnregisterHotKey (int hotkeyId)
 Unregisters a system wide hotkey. More...
virtual void UpdateWindowUI (long flags=wxUPDATE_UI_NONE)
 This function sends one or more wxUpdateUIEvent to the window. More...
bool BeginRepositioningChildren ()
 Prepare for changing positions of multiple child windows. More...
void EndRepositioningChildren ()
 Fix child window positions after setting all of them at once. More...
void CacheBestSize (const wxSize &size) const
 Sets the cached best size value. More...
virtual wxSize ClientToWindowSize (const wxSize &size) const
 Converts client area size size to corresponding window size. More...
virtual wxSize WindowToClientSize (const wxSize &size) const
 Converts window size size to corresponding client area size In other words, the returned value is what would GetClientSize() return if this window had given window size. More...
virtual void Fit ()
 Sizes the window to fit its best size. More...
virtual void FitInside ()
 Similar to Fit(), but sizes the interior (virtual) size of a window. More...
wxSize FromDIP (const wxSize &sz) const
 Convert DPI-independent pixel values to the value in pixels appropriate for the current toolkit. More...
wxPoint FromDIP (const wxPoint &pt) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
int FromDIP (int d) const
 Convert DPI-independent distance in pixels to the value in pixels appropriate for the current toolkit. More...
wxSize ToDIP (const wxSize &sz) const
 Convert pixel values of the current toolkit to DPI-independent pixel values. More...
wxPoint ToDIP (const wxPoint &pt) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
int ToDIP (int d) const
 Convert pixel values of the current toolkit to DPI-independent pixel values. More...
wxSize FromPhys (const wxSize &sz) const
 Convert from physical pixels to logical pixels. More...
wxPoint FromPhys (const wxPoint &pt) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
int FromPhys (int d) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
wxSize ToPhys (const wxSize &sz) const
 Convert from logical pixels to physical pixels. More...
wxPoint ToPhys (const wxPoint &pt) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
int ToPhys (int d) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
wxSize GetBestSize () const
 This functions returns the best acceptable minimal size for the window. More...
int GetBestHeight (int width) const
 Returns the best height needed by this window if it had the given width. More...
int GetBestWidth (int height) const
 Returns the best width needed by this window if it had the given height. More...
void GetClientSize (int *width, int *height) const
 Returns the size of the window 'client area' in pixels. More...
wxSize GetClientSize () const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
virtual wxSize GetEffectiveMinSize () const
 Merges the window's best size into the min size and returns the result. More...
virtual wxSize GetMaxClientSize () const
 Returns the maximum size of window's client area. More...
virtual wxSize GetMaxSize () const
 Returns the maximum size of the window. More...
virtual wxSize GetMinClientSize () const
 Returns the minimum size of window's client area, an indication to the sizer layout mechanism that this is the minimum required size of its client area. More...
virtual wxSize GetMinSize () const
 Returns the minimum size of the window, an indication to the sizer layout mechanism that this is the minimum required size. More...
int GetMinWidth () const
 Returns the horizontal component of window minimal size. More...
int GetMinHeight () const
 Returns the vertical component of window minimal size. More...
int GetMaxWidth () const
 Returns the horizontal component of window maximal size. More...
int GetMaxHeight () const
 Returns the vertical component of window maximal size. More...
void GetSize (int *width, int *height) const
 Returns the size of the entire window in pixels, including title bar, border, scrollbars, etc. More...
wxSize GetSize () const
 See the GetSize(int*,int*) overload for more info. More...
wxSize GetVirtualSize () const
 This gets the virtual size of the window in pixels. More...
void GetVirtualSize (int *width, int *height) const
 Like the other GetVirtualSize() overload but uses pointers instead. More...
virtual wxSize GetBestVirtualSize () const
 Return the largest of ClientSize and BestSize (as determined by a sizer, interior children, or other means) More...
double GetContentScaleFactor () const
 Returns the factor mapping logical pixels of this window to physical pixels. More...
double GetDPIScaleFactor () const
 Returns the ratio of the DPI used by this window to the standard DPI. More...
virtual wxSize GetWindowBorderSize () const
 Returns the size of the left/right and top/bottom borders of this window in x and y components of the result respectively. More...
virtual bool InformFirstDirection (int direction, int size, int availableOtherDir)
 wxSizer and friends use this to give a chance to a component to recalc its min size once one of the final size components is known. More...
void InvalidateBestSize ()
 Resets the cached best size value so it will be recalculated the next time it is needed. More...
void PostSizeEvent ()
 Posts a size event to the window. More...
void PostSizeEventToParent ()
 Posts a size event to the parent of this window. More...
virtual void SendSizeEvent (int flags=0)
 This function sends a dummy size event to the window allowing it to re-layout its children positions. More...
void SendSizeEventToParent (int flags=0)
 Safe wrapper for GetParent()->SendSizeEvent(). More...
void SetClientSize (int width, int height)
 This sets the size of the window client area in pixels. More...
void SetClientSize (const wxSize &size)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void SetClientSize (const wxRect &rect)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void SetContainingSizer (wxSizer *sizer)
 Used by wxSizer internally to notify the window about being managed by the given sizer. More...
void SetInitialSize (const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize)
 A smart SetSize that will fill in default size components with the window's best size values. More...
virtual void SetMaxClientSize (const wxSize &size)
 Sets the maximum client size of the window, to indicate to the sizer layout mechanism that this is the maximum possible size of its client area. More...
virtual void SetMaxSize (const wxSize &size)
 Sets the maximum size of the window, to indicate to the sizer layout mechanism that this is the maximum possible size. More...
virtual void SetMinClientSize (const wxSize &size)
 Sets the minimum client size of the window, to indicate to the sizer layout mechanism that this is the minimum required size of window's client area. More...
virtual void SetMinSize (const wxSize &size)
 Sets the minimum size of the window, to indicate to the sizer layout mechanism that this is the minimum required size. More...
void SetSize (int x, int y, int width, int height, int sizeFlags=wxSIZE_AUTO)
 Sets the size of the window in pixels. More...
void SetSize (const wxRect &rect)
 Sets the size of the window in pixels. More...
void SetSize (const wxSize &size)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void SetSize (int width, int height)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
virtual void SetSizeHints (const wxSize &minSize, const wxSize &maxSize=wxDefaultSize, const wxSize &incSize=wxDefaultSize)
 Use of this function for windows which are not toplevel windows (such as wxDialog or wxFrame) is discouraged. More...
virtual void SetSizeHints (int minW, int minH, int maxW=-1, int maxH=-1, int incW=-1, int incH=-1)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void SetVirtualSize (int width, int height)
 Sets the virtual size of the window in pixels. More...
void SetVirtualSize (const wxSize &size)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxEvtHandler
 wxEvtHandler ()
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~wxEvtHandler ()
 Destructor. More...
template<typename T , typename T1 , ... >
void CallAfter (void(T::*method)(T1,...), T1 x1,...)
 Asynchronously call the given method. More...
template<typename T >
void CallAfter (const T &functor)
 Asynchronously call the given functor. More...
bool ProcessEventLocally (wxEvent &event)
 Try to process the event in this handler and all those chained to it. More...
bool SafelyProcessEvent (wxEvent &event)
 Processes an event by calling ProcessEvent() and handles any exceptions that occur in the process. More...
void ProcessPendingEvents ()
 Processes the pending events previously queued using QueueEvent() or AddPendingEvent(); you must call this function only if you are sure there are pending events for this handler, otherwise a wxCHECK will fail. More...
void DeletePendingEvents ()
 Deletes all events queued on this event handler using QueueEvent() or AddPendingEvent(). More...
void Connect (int id, int lastId, wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction function, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
 Connects the given function dynamically with the event handler, id and event type. More...
void Connect (int id, wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction function, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
 See the Connect(int, int, wxEventType, wxObjectEventFunction, wxObject*, wxEvtHandler*) overload for more info. More...
void Connect (wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction function, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
 See the Connect(int, int, wxEventType, wxObjectEventFunction, wxObject*, wxEvtHandler*) overload for more info. More...
bool Disconnect (wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction function, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
 Disconnects the given function dynamically from the event handler, using the specified parameters as search criteria and returning true if a matching function has been found and removed. More...
bool Disconnect (int id=wxID_ANY, wxEventType eventType=wxEVT_NULL, wxObjectEventFunction function=NULL, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
 See the Disconnect(wxEventType, wxObjectEventFunction, wxObject*, wxEvtHandler*) overload for more info. More...
bool Disconnect (int id, int lastId, wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction function=NULL, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
 See the Disconnect(wxEventType, wxObjectEventFunction, wxObject*, wxEvtHandler*) overload for more info. More...
template<typename EventTag , typename Functor >
void Bind (const EventTag &eventType, Functor functor, int id=wxID_ANY, int lastId=wxID_ANY, wxObject *userData=NULL)
 Binds the given function, functor or method dynamically with the event. More...
template<typename EventTag , typename Class , typename EventArg , typename EventHandler >
void Bind (const EventTag &eventType, void(Class::*method)(EventArg &), EventHandler *handler, int id=wxID_ANY, int lastId=wxID_ANY, wxObject *userData=NULL)
 See the Bind<>(const EventTag&, Functor, int, int, wxObject*) overload for more info. More...
template<typename EventTag , typename Functor >
bool Unbind (const EventTag &eventType, Functor functor, int id=wxID_ANY, int lastId=wxID_ANY, wxObject *userData=NULL)
 Unbinds the given function, functor or method dynamically from the event handler, using the specified parameters as search criteria and returning true if a matching function has been found and removed. More...
template<typename EventTag , typename Class , typename EventArg , typename EventHandler >
bool Unbind (const EventTag &eventType, void(Class::*method)(EventArg &), EventHandler *handler, int id=wxID_ANY, int lastId=wxID_ANY, wxObject *userData=NULL)
 See the Unbind<>(const EventTag&, Functor, int, int, wxObject*) overload for more info. More...
void * GetClientData () const
 Returns user-supplied client data. More...
wxClientDataGetClientObject () const
 Returns a pointer to the user-supplied client data object. More...
void SetClientData (void *data)
 Sets user-supplied client data. More...
void SetClientObject (wxClientData *data)
 Set the client data object. More...
bool GetEvtHandlerEnabled () const
 Returns true if the event handler is enabled, false otherwise. More...
wxEvtHandlerGetNextHandler () const
 Returns the pointer to the next handler in the chain. More...
wxEvtHandlerGetPreviousHandler () const
 Returns the pointer to the previous handler in the chain. More...
void SetEvtHandlerEnabled (bool enabled)
 Enables or disables the event handler. More...
void Unlink ()
 Unlinks this event handler from the chain it's part of (if any); then links the "previous" event handler to the "next" one (so that the chain won't be interrupted). More...
bool IsUnlinked () const
 Returns true if the next and the previous handler pointers of this event handler instance are NULL. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxObject
 wxObject ()
 Default ctor; initializes to NULL the internal reference data. More...
 wxObject (const wxObject &other)
 Copy ctor. More...
virtual ~wxObject ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual wxClassInfoGetClassInfo () const
 This virtual function is redefined for every class that requires run-time type information, when using the wxDECLARE_CLASS macro (or similar). More...
wxObjectRefDataGetRefData () const
 Returns the wxObject::m_refData pointer, i.e. the data referenced by this object. More...
bool IsKindOf (const wxClassInfo *info) const
 Determines whether this class is a subclass of (or the same class as) the given class. More...
bool IsSameAs (const wxObject &obj) const
 Returns true if this object has the same data pointer as obj. More...
void Ref (const wxObject &clone)
 Makes this object refer to the data in clone. More...
void SetRefData (wxObjectRefData *data)
 Sets the wxObject::m_refData pointer. More...
void UnRef ()
 Decrements the reference count in the associated data, and if it is zero, deletes the data. More...
void UnShare ()
 This is the same of AllocExclusive() but this method is public. More...
void operator delete (void *buf)
 The delete operator is defined for debugging versions of the library only, when the identifier __WXDEBUG__ is defined. More...
void * operator new (size_t size, const wxString &filename=NULL, int lineNum=0)
 The new operator is defined for debugging versions of the library only, when the identifier __WXDEBUG__ is defined. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from wxControl
static wxString GetLabelText (const wxString &label)
 Returns the given label string without mnemonics ("&" characters). More...
static wxString RemoveMnemonics (const wxString &str)
 Returns the given str string without mnemonics ("&" characters). More...
static wxString EscapeMnemonics (const wxString &text)
 Escapes the special mnemonics characters ("&") in the given string. More...
static wxString Ellipsize (const wxString &label, const wxDC &dc, wxEllipsizeMode mode, int maxWidth, int flags=wxELLIPSIZE_FLAGS_DEFAULT)
 Replaces parts of the label string with ellipsis, if needed, so that it fits into maxWidth pixels if possible. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from wxWindow
static wxVisualAttributes GetClassDefaultAttributes (wxWindowVariant variant=wxWINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL)
 Returns the default font and colours which are used by the control. More...
static wxWindowFindFocus ()
 Finds the window or control which currently has the keyboard focus. More...
static wxWindowFindWindowById (long id, const wxWindow *parent=0)
 Find the first window with the given id. More...
static wxWindowFindWindowByLabel (const wxString &label, const wxWindow *parent=0)
 Find a window by its label. More...
static wxWindowFindWindowByName (const wxString &name, const wxWindow *parent=0)
 Find a window by its name (as given in a window constructor or Create() function call). More...
static wxWindowGetCapture ()
 Returns the currently captured window. More...
static wxWindowID NewControlId (int count=1)
 Create a new ID or range of IDs that are not currently in use. More...
static void UnreserveControlId (wxWindowID id, int count=1)
 Unreserve an ID or range of IDs that was reserved by NewControlId(). More...
static wxSize FromDIP (const wxSize &sz, const wxWindow *w)
 Non window-specific DPI-independent pixels conversion functions. More...
static wxPoint FromDIP (const wxPoint &pt, const wxWindow *w)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
static int FromDIP (int d, const wxWindow *w)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
static wxSize ToDIP (const wxSize &sz, const wxWindow *w)
 Non window-specific pixel to DPI-independent pixels conversion functions. More...
static wxPoint ToDIP (const wxPoint &pt, const wxWindow *w)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
static int ToDIP (int d, const wxWindow *w)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
static wxSize FromPhys (const wxSize &sz, const wxWindow *w)
 Convert from physical pixels to logical pixels for any window. More...
static wxPoint FromPhys (const wxPoint &pt, const wxWindow *w)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
static int FromPhys (int d, const wxWindow *w)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
static wxSize ToPhys (const wxSize &sz, const wxWindow *w)
 Convert from logical pixels to physical pixels for any window. More...
static wxPoint ToPhys (const wxPoint &pt, const wxWindow *w)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
static int ToPhys (int d, const wxWindow *w)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from wxEvtHandler
static void AddFilter (wxEventFilter *filter)
 Add an event filter whose FilterEvent() method will be called for each and every event processed by wxWidgets. More...
static void RemoveFilter (wxEventFilter *filter)
 Remove a filter previously installed with AddFilter(). More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from wxWindow
virtual void DoCentre (int direction)
 Centres the window. More...
virtual wxSize DoGetBestSize () const
 Implementation of GetBestSize() that can be overridden. More...
virtual wxSize DoGetBestClientSize () const
 Override this method to return the best size for a custom control. More...
virtual int DoGetBestClientHeight (int width) const
 Override this method to implement height-for-width best size calculation. More...
virtual int DoGetBestClientWidth (int height) const
 Override this method to implement width-for-height best size calculation. More...
virtual void SetInitialBestSize (const wxSize &size)
 Sets the initial window size if none is given (i.e. at least one of the components of the size passed to ctor/Create() is wxDefaultCoord). More...
void SendDestroyEvent ()
 Generate wxWindowDestroyEvent for this window. More...
virtual bool ProcessEvent (wxEvent &event)
 This function is public in wxEvtHandler but protected in wxWindow because for wxWindows you should always call ProcessEvent() on the pointer returned by GetEventHandler() and not on the wxWindow object itself. More...
bool SafelyProcessEvent (wxEvent &event)
 See ProcessEvent() for more info about why you shouldn't use this function and the reason for making this function protected in wxWindow. More...
virtual void QueueEvent (wxEvent *event)
 See ProcessEvent() for more info about why you shouldn't use this function and the reason for making this function protected in wxWindow. More...
virtual void AddPendingEvent (const wxEvent &event)
 See ProcessEvent() for more info about why you shouldn't use this function and the reason for making this function protected in wxWindow. More...
void ProcessPendingEvents ()
 See ProcessEvent() for more info about why you shouldn't use this function and the reason for making this function protected in wxWindow. More...
bool ProcessThreadEvent (const wxEvent &event)
 See ProcessEvent() for more info about why you shouldn't use this function and the reason for making this function protected in wxWindow. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from wxEvtHandler
virtual bool TryBefore (wxEvent &event)
 Method called by ProcessEvent() before examining this object event tables. More...
virtual bool TryAfter (wxEvent &event)
 Method called by ProcessEvent() as last resort. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from wxObject
void AllocExclusive ()
 Ensure that this object's data is not shared with any other object. More...
virtual wxObjectRefDataCreateRefData () const
 Creates a new instance of the wxObjectRefData-derived class specific to this object and returns it. More...
virtual wxObjectRefDataCloneRefData (const wxObjectRefData *data) const
 Creates a new instance of the wxObjectRefData-derived class specific to this object and initializes it copying data. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from wxObject
 Pointer to an object which is the object's reference-counted data. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ wxMediaCtrl() [1/2]

wxMediaCtrl::wxMediaCtrl ( )

Default constructor - you MUST call Create() before calling any other methods of wxMediaCtrl.

◆ wxMediaCtrl() [2/2]

wxMediaCtrl::wxMediaCtrl ( wxWindow parent,
wxWindowID  id,
const wxString fileName = wxEmptyString,
const wxPoint pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize size = wxDefaultSize,
long  style = 0,
const wxString szBackend = wxEmptyString,
const wxValidator validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString name = "mediaCtrl" 

Constructor that calls Create().

You may prefer to call Create() directly to check to see if wxMediaCtrl is available on the system.

parentparent of this control. Must not be NULL.
idid to use for events
fileNameIf not empty, the path of a file to open.
posPosition to put control at.
sizeSize to put the control at and to stretch movie to.
styleOptional styles. It is recommended to use wxMC_NO_AUTORESIZE, although it is not used by default for compatibility reasons.
szBackendName of backend you want to use, leave blank to make wxMediaCtrl figure it out.
validatorvalidator to use.
nameWindow name.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Create()

bool wxMediaCtrl::Create ( wxWindow parent,
wxWindowID  id,
const wxString fileName = wxEmptyString,
const wxPoint pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize size = wxDefaultSize,
long  style = 0,
const wxString szBackend = wxEmptyString,
const wxValidator validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString name = "mediaCtrl" 

Creates this control.

Returns false if it can't load the media located at fileName or it can't create a backend.

If you specify a file to open via fileName and you don't specify a backend to use, wxMediaCtrl tries each of its backends until one that can render the path referred to by fileName can be found.

parentparent of this control. Must not be NULL.
idid to use for events
fileNameIf not empty, the path of a file to open.
posPosition to put control at.
sizeSize to put the control at and to stretch movie to.
styleOptional styles. It is recommended to use wxMC_NO_AUTORESIZE, although it is not used by default for compatibility reasons.
szBackendName of backend you want to use, leave blank to make wxMediaCtrl figure it out.
validatorvalidator to use.
nameWindow name.

◆ GetBestSize()

wxSize wxMediaCtrl::GetBestSize ( ) const

Obtains the best size relative to the original/natural size of the video, if there is any.

See Video size for more information.

◆ GetPlaybackRate()

double wxMediaCtrl::GetPlaybackRate ( )

Obtains the playback rate, or speed of the media.

1.0 represents normal speed, while 2.0 represents twice the normal speed of the media, for example. Not supported on the GStreamer (Unix) backend.

zero on failure.

◆ GetState()

wxMediaState wxMediaCtrl::GetState ( )

Obtains the state the playback of the media is in.

wxMEDIASTATE_STOPPED The media has stopped.
wxMEDIASTATE_PAUSED The media is paused.
wxMEDIASTATE_PLAYING The media is currently playing.

◆ GetVolume()

double wxMediaCtrl::GetVolume ( )

Gets the volume of the media from a 0.0 to 1.0 range.

Due to rounding and other errors the value returned may not be the exact value sent to SetVolume().

◆ Length()

wxFileOffset wxMediaCtrl::Length ( )

Obtains the length - the total amount of time the media has in milliseconds.

◆ Load() [1/3]

bool wxMediaCtrl::Load ( const wxString fileName)

Loads the file that fileName refers to.

Returns false if loading fails.

◆ Load() [2/3]

bool wxMediaCtrl::Load ( const wxURI uri)

Loads the location that uri refers to.

Note that this is very implementation-dependent, although HTTP URI/URLs are generally supported, for example. Returns false if loading fails.

◆ Load() [3/3]

bool wxMediaCtrl::Load ( const wxURI uri,
const wxURI proxy 

Loads the location that uri refers to with the proxy proxy.

Not implemented on most backends so it should be called with caution. Returns false if loading fails.

◆ LoadURI()

bool wxMediaCtrl::LoadURI ( const wxString uri)

Same as Load(const wxURI& uri).

Kept for wxPython compatibility.

◆ LoadURIWithProxy()

bool wxMediaCtrl::LoadURIWithProxy ( const wxString uri,
const wxString proxy 

Same as Load(const wxURI& uri, const wxURI& proxy).

Kept for wxPython compatibility.

◆ Pause()

bool wxMediaCtrl::Pause ( )

Pauses playback of the media.

◆ Play()

bool wxMediaCtrl::Play ( )

Resumes playback of the media.

◆ Seek()

wxFileOffset wxMediaCtrl::Seek ( wxFileOffset  where,
wxSeekMode  mode = wxFromStart 

Seeks to a position within the media.

Document the wxSeekMode parameter mode, and perhaps also the wxFileOffset and wxSeekMode themselves.

◆ SetPlaybackRate()

bool wxMediaCtrl::SetPlaybackRate ( double  dRate)

Sets the playback rate, or speed of the media, to that referred by dRate.

1.0 represents normal speed, while 2.0 represents twice the normal speed of the media, for example. Not supported on the GStreamer (Unix) backend. Returns true if successful.

◆ SetVolume()

bool wxMediaCtrl::SetVolume ( double  dVolume)

Sets the volume of the media from a 0.0 to 1.0 range to that referred by dVolume.

1.0 represents full volume, while 0.5 represents half (50 percent) volume, for example.

The volume may not be exact due to conversion and rounding errors, although setting the volume to full or none is always exact. Returns true if successful.

◆ ShowPlayerControls()

bool wxMediaCtrl::ShowPlayerControls ( wxMediaCtrlPlayerControls  flags = wxMEDIACTRLPLAYERCONTROLS_DEFAULT)

A special feature to wxMediaCtrl.

Applications using native toolkits such as QuickTime usually have a scrollbar, play button, and more provided to them by the toolkit. By default wxMediaCtrl does not do this. However, on the DirectShow and QuickTime backends you can show or hide the native controls provided by the underlying toolkit at will using ShowPlayerControls(). Simply calling the function with default parameters tells wxMediaCtrl to use the default controls provided by the toolkit. The function takes a wxMediaCtrlPlayerControls enumeration, please see available show modes there.

For more info see Player controls.

Currently only implemented on the QuickTime and DirectShow backends. The function returns true on success.

◆ Stop()

bool wxMediaCtrl::Stop ( )

Stops the media.

See Operation for an overview of how stopping works.

◆ Tell()

wxFileOffset wxMediaCtrl::Tell ( )

Obtains the current position in time within the media in milliseconds.