wxSizerXmlHandler is a class for resource handlers capable of creating a wxSizer object from an XML node.
wxXmlResourceHandler is an abstract base class for resource handlers capable of creating a control from an XML node.
- See also
- wxXmlResourceHandler, wxSizer
See XML Based Resource System (XRC) for details.
| wxXmlResourceHandler () |
| Default constructor. More...
virtual | ~wxXmlResourceHandler () |
| Destructor. More...
wxObject * | CreateResource (wxXmlNode *node, wxObject *parent, wxObject *instance) |
| Creates an object (menu, dialog, control, ...) from an XML node. More...
virtual wxObject * | DoCreateResource ()=0 |
| Called from CreateResource after variables were filled. More...
virtual bool | CanHandle (wxXmlNode *node)=0 |
| Returns true if it understands this node and can create a resource from it, false otherwise. More...
void | SetParentResource (wxXmlResource *res) |
| Sets the parent resource. More...
| wxObject () |
| Default ctor; initializes to nullptr the internal reference data. More...
| wxObject (const wxObject &other) |
| Copy ctor. More...
virtual | ~wxObject () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual wxClassInfo * | GetClassInfo () const |
| This virtual function is redefined for every class that requires run-time type information, when using the wxDECLARE_CLASS macro (or similar). More...
wxObjectRefData * | GetRefData () const |
| Returns the wxObject::m_refData pointer, i.e. the data referenced by this object. More...
bool | IsKindOf (const wxClassInfo *info) const |
| Determines whether this class is a subclass of (or the same class as) the given class. More...
bool | IsSameAs (const wxObject &obj) const |
| Returns true if this object has the same data pointer as obj. More...
void | Ref (const wxObject &clone) |
| Makes this object refer to the data in clone. More...
void | SetRefData (wxObjectRefData *data) |
| Sets the wxObject::m_refData pointer. More...
void | UnRef () |
| Decrements the reference count in the associated data, and if it is zero, deletes the data. More...
void | UnShare () |
| This is the same of AllocExclusive() but this method is public. More...
void | operator delete (void *buf) |
| The delete operator is defined for debugging versions of the library only, when the identifier __WXDEBUG__ is defined. More...
void * | operator new (size_t size, const wxString &filename=nullptr, int lineNum=0) |
| The new operator is defined for debugging versions of the library only, when the identifier __WXDEBUG__ is defined. More...
void | AddStyle (const wxString &name, int value) |
| Add a style flag (e.g. More...
void | AddWindowStyles () |
| Add styles common to all wxWindow-derived classes. More...
void | CreateChildren (wxObject *parent, bool this_hnd_only=false) |
| Creates children. More...
void | CreateChildrenPrivately (wxObject *parent, wxXmlNode *rootnode=nullptr) |
| Helper function. More...
wxObject * | CreateResFromNode (wxXmlNode *node, wxObject *parent, wxObject *instance=nullptr) |
| Creates a resource from a node. More...
wxAnimation * | GetAnimation (const wxString ¶m="animation", wxAnimationCtrlBase *ctrl=nullptr) |
| Creates an animation (see wxAnimation) from the filename specified in param. More...
wxBitmap | GetBitmap (const wxString ¶m="bitmap", const wxArtClient &defaultArtClient=wxART_OTHER, wxSize size=wxDefaultSize) |
| Gets a bitmap. More...
wxBitmap | GetBitmap (const wxXmlNode *node, const wxArtClient &defaultArtClient=wxART_OTHER, wxSize size=wxDefaultSize) |
| Gets a bitmap from an XmlNode. More...
wxBitmapBundle | GetBitmapBundle (const wxString ¶m="bitmap", const wxArtClient &defaultArtClient=wxART_OTHER, wxSize size=wxDefaultSize) |
| Gets a bitmap bundle. More...
wxBitmapBundle | GetBitmapBundle (const wxXmlNode *node, const wxArtClient &defaultArtClient=wxART_OTHER, wxSize size=wxDefaultSize) |
| Gets a bitmap bundle from the provided node. More...
bool | GetBool (const wxString ¶m, bool defaultv=false) |
| Gets a bool flag (1, t, yes, on, true are true, everything else is false). More...
wxColour | GetColour (const wxString ¶m, const wxColour &defaultLight=wxNullColour, const wxColour &defaultDark=wxNullColour) |
| Gets colour from the given parameter. More...
wxFileSystem & | GetCurFileSystem () |
| Returns the current file system. More...
wxCoord | GetDimension (const wxString ¶m, wxCoord defaultv=0, wxWindow *windowToUse=nullptr) |
| Gets a dimension (may be in dialog units). More...
wxDirection | GetDirection (const wxString ¶m, wxDirection dirDefault=wxLEFT) |
| Gets a direction. More...
wxFont | GetFont (const wxString ¶m="font") |
| Gets a font. More...
int | GetID () |
| Returns the XRCID. More...
wxIcon | GetIcon (const wxString ¶m="icon", const wxArtClient &defaultArtClient=wxART_OTHER, wxSize size=wxDefaultSize) |
| Returns an icon. More...
wxIcon | GetIcon (const wxXmlNode *node, const wxArtClient &defaultArtClient=wxART_OTHER, wxSize size=wxDefaultSize) |
| Gets an icon from an XmlNode. More...
wxIconBundle | GetIconBundle (const wxString ¶m, const wxArtClient &defaultArtClient=wxART_OTHER) |
| Returns an icon bundle. More...
wxImageList * | GetImageList (const wxString ¶m="imagelist") |
| Creates an image list from the param markup data. More...
long | GetLong (const wxString ¶m, long defaultv=0) |
| Gets the integer value from the parameter. More...
float | GetFloat (const wxString ¶m, float defaultv=0) |
| Gets a float value from the parameter. More...
wxString | GetName () |
| Returns the resource name. More...
bool | IsObjectNode (const wxXmlNode *node) const |
| Checks if the given node is an object node. More...
wxString | GetNodeName (wxXmlNode *node) const |
| Returns the node name. More...
wxString | GetNodeAttribute (const wxXmlNode *node, const wxString &attrName, const wxString &defaultValue={}) const |
| Gets the node attribute value. More...
wxString | GetNodeContent (wxXmlNode *node) const |
| Gets node content from wxXML_ENTITY_NODE. More...
wxXmlNode * | GetNodeParent (const wxXmlNode *node) const |
| Gets the parent of the node given. More...
wxXmlNode * | GetNodeNext (const wxXmlNode *node) const |
| Gets the next sibling node related to the given node, possibly nullptr. More...
wxXmlNode * | GetNodeChildren (const wxXmlNode *node) const |
| Gets the first child of the given node or nullptr. More...
wxXmlNode * | GetParamNode (const wxString ¶m) |
| Finds the node or returns nullptr. More...
wxString | GetParamValue (const wxString ¶m) |
| Finds the parameter value or returns the empty string. More...
wxString | GetParamValue (const wxXmlNode *node) |
| Returns the node parameter value. More...
wxPoint | GetPosition (const wxString ¶m="pos", wxWindow *windowToUse=nullptr) |
| Gets the position (may be in dialog units). More...
wxSize | GetSize (const wxString ¶m="size", wxWindow *windowToUse=nullptr) |
| Gets the size (may be in dialog units). More...
int | GetStyle (const wxString ¶m="style", int defaults=0) |
| Gets style flags from text in form "flag | flag2| flag3 |..." Only understands flags added with AddStyle(). More...
wxString | GetText (const wxString ¶m, bool translate=true) |
| Gets text from param and does some conversions: More...
wxString | GetFilePath (const wxXmlNode *node) |
| Gets a file path from the given node. More...
bool | HasParam (const wxString ¶m) |
| Check to see if a parameter exists. More...
bool | IsOfClass (wxXmlNode *node, const wxString &classname) |
| Convenience function. More...
void | SetupWindow (wxWindow *wnd) |
| Sets common window options. More...
void | ReportError (wxXmlNode *context, const wxString &message) |
| Reports error in XRC resources to the user. More...
void | ReportError (const wxString &message) |
| Like ReportError(wxXmlNode*, const wxString&), but uses the node of currently processed object (m_node) as the context. More...
void | ReportParamError (const wxString ¶m, const wxString &message) |
| Like ReportError(wxXmlNode*, const wxString&), but uses the node of parameter param of the currently processed object as the context. More...
wxXmlResource * | GetResource () const |
| After CreateResource has been called this will return the current wxXmlResource object. More...
wxXmlNode * | GetNode () const |
| After CreateResource has been called this will return the XML node being processed. More...
wxString | GetClass () const |
| After CreateResource has been called this will return the class name of the XML resource node being processed. More...
wxObject * | GetParent () const |
| After CreateResource has been called this will return the current item's parent, if any. More...
wxObject * | GetInstance () const |
| After CreateResource has been called this will return the instance that the XML resource content should be created upon, if it has already been created. More...
wxWindow * | GetParentAsWindow () const |
| After CreateResource has been called this will return the item's parent as a wxWindow. More...
void | AllocExclusive () |
| Ensure that this object's data is not shared with any other object. More...
virtual wxObjectRefData * | CreateRefData () const |
| Creates a new instance of the wxObjectRefData-derived class specific to this object and returns it. More...
virtual wxObjectRefData * | CloneRefData (const wxObjectRefData *data) const |
| Creates a new instance of the wxObjectRefData-derived class specific to this object and initializes it copying data. More...