Version: 3.3.0
wxMirrorDC Class Reference

#include <wx/dcmirror.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for wxMirrorDC:

Detailed Description

wxMirrorDC is a simple wrapper class which is always associated with a real wxDC object and either forwards all of its operations to it without changes (no mirroring takes place) or exchanges x and y coordinates which makes it possible to reuse the same code to draw a figure and its mirror – i.e.

reflection related to the diagonal line x == y.


Library:  wxCore
Category:  Device Contexts

Public Member Functions

 wxMirrorDC (wxDC &dc, bool mirror)
 Creates a (maybe) mirrored DC associated with the real dc. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxDC
wxRasterOperationMode GetLogicalFunction () const
 Gets the current logical function. More...
bool GetPixel (wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxColour *colour) const
 Gets in colour the colour at the specified location. More...
void SetLogicalFunction (wxRasterOperationMode function)
 Sets the current logical function for the device context. More...
void SetPalette (const wxPalette &palette)
 If this is a window DC or memory DC, assigns the given palette to the window or bitmap associated with the DC. More...
void CopyAttributes (const wxDC &dc)
 Copy attributes from another DC. More...
void * GetHandle () const
 Returns a value that can be used as a handle to the native drawing context, if this wxDC has something that could be thought of in that way. More...
wxBitmap GetAsBitmap (const wxRect *subrect=nullptr) const
 If supported by the platform and the type of DC, fetch the contents of the DC, or a subset of it, as a bitmap. More...
virtual wxGraphicsContextGetGraphicsContext () const
 If supported by the platform and the wxDC implementation, this method will return the wxGraphicsContext associated with the DC. More...
virtual void SetGraphicsContext (wxGraphicsContext *ctx)
 Associate a wxGraphicsContext with the DC. More...
void Clear ()
 Clears the device context using the current background brush. More...
void DrawArc (wxCoord xStart, wxCoord yStart, wxCoord xEnd, wxCoord yEnd, wxCoord xc, wxCoord yc)
 Draws an arc from the given start to the given end point. More...
void DrawArc (const wxPoint &ptStart, const wxPoint &ptEnd, const wxPoint &centre)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void DrawBitmap (const wxBitmap &bitmap, wxCoord x, wxCoord y, bool useMask=false)
 Draw a bitmap on the device context at the specified point. More...
void DrawBitmap (const wxBitmap &bmp, const wxPoint &pt, bool useMask=false)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void DrawCheckMark (wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord width, wxCoord height)
 Draws a check mark inside the given rectangle. More...
void DrawCheckMark (const wxRect &rect)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void DrawCircle (wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord radius)
 Draws a circle with the given centre and radius. More...
void DrawCircle (const wxPoint &pt, wxCoord radius)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void DrawEllipse (wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord width, wxCoord height)
 Draws an ellipse contained in the rectangle specified either with the given top left corner and the given size or directly. More...
void DrawEllipse (const wxPoint &pt, const wxSize &size)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void DrawEllipse (const wxRect &rect)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void DrawEllipticArc (wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord width, wxCoord height, double start, double end)
 Draws an arc of an ellipse. More...
void DrawEllipticArc (const wxPoint &pt, const wxSize &sz, double sa, double ea)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void DrawIcon (const wxIcon &icon, wxCoord x, wxCoord y)
 Draw an icon on the display (does nothing if the device context is PostScript). More...
void DrawIcon (const wxIcon &icon, const wxPoint &pt)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void DrawLabel (const wxString &text, const wxBitmap &bitmap, const wxRect &rect, int alignment=wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALIGN_TOP, int indexAccel=-1, wxRect *rectBounding=nullptr)
 Draw optional bitmap and the text into the given rectangle and aligns it as specified by alignment parameter; it also will emphasize the character with the given index if it is != -1 and return the bounding rectangle if required. More...
void DrawLabel (const wxString &text, const wxRect &rect, int alignment=wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALIGN_TOP, int indexAccel=-1)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void DrawLine (wxCoord x1, wxCoord y1, wxCoord x2, wxCoord y2)
 Draws a line from the first point to the second. More...
void DrawLine (const wxPoint &pt1, const wxPoint &pt2)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void DrawLines (int n, const wxPoint points[], wxCoord xoffset=0, wxCoord yoffset=0)
 Draws lines using an array of points of size n adding the optional offset coordinate. More...
void DrawLines (const wxPointList *points, wxCoord xoffset=0, wxCoord yoffset=0)
 This method uses a list of wxPoints, adding the optional offset coordinate. More...
void DrawPoint (wxCoord x, wxCoord y)
 Draws a point using the color of the current pen. More...
void DrawPoint (const wxPoint &pt)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void DrawPolygon (int n, const wxPoint points[], wxCoord xoffset=0, wxCoord yoffset=0, wxPolygonFillMode fill_style=wxODDEVEN_RULE)
 Draws a filled polygon using an array of points of size n, adding the optional offset coordinate. More...
void DrawPolygon (const wxPointList *points, wxCoord xoffset=0, wxCoord yoffset=0, wxPolygonFillMode fill_style=wxODDEVEN_RULE)
 This method draws a filled polygon using a list of wxPoints, adding the optional offset coordinate. More...
void DrawPolyPolygon (int n, const int count[], const wxPoint points[], wxCoord xoffset=0, wxCoord yoffset=0, wxPolygonFillMode fill_style=wxODDEVEN_RULE)
 Draws two or more filled polygons using an array of points, adding the optional offset coordinates. More...
void DrawRectangle (wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord width, wxCoord height)
 Draws a rectangle with the given corner coordinate and size. More...
void DrawRectangle (const wxPoint &pt, const wxSize &sz)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void DrawRectangle (const wxRect &rect)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void DrawRotatedText (const wxString &text, wxCoord x, wxCoord y, double angle)
 Draws the text rotated by angle degrees (positive angles are counterclockwise; the full angle is 360 degrees). More...
void DrawRotatedText (const wxString &text, const wxPoint &point, double angle)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void DrawRoundedRectangle (wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord width, wxCoord height, double radius)
 Draws a rectangle with the given top left corner, and with the given size. More...
void DrawRoundedRectangle (const wxPoint &pt, const wxSize &sz, double radius)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void DrawRoundedRectangle (const wxRect &rect, double radius)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void DrawSpline (int n, const wxPoint points[])
 Draws a spline between all given points using the current pen. More...
void DrawSpline (const wxPointList *points)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void DrawSpline (wxCoord x1, wxCoord y1, wxCoord x2, wxCoord y2, wxCoord x3, wxCoord y3)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void DrawText (const wxString &text, wxCoord x, wxCoord y)
 Draws a text string at the specified point, using the current text font, and the current text foreground and background colours. More...
void DrawText (const wxString &text, const wxPoint &pt)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void GradientFillConcentric (const wxRect &rect, const wxColour &initialColour, const wxColour &destColour)
 Fill the area specified by rect with a radial gradient, starting from initialColour at the centre of the circle and fading to destColour on the circle outside. More...
void GradientFillConcentric (const wxRect &rect, const wxColour &initialColour, const wxColour &destColour, const wxPoint &circleCenter)
 Fill the area specified by rect with a radial gradient, starting from initialColour at the centre of the circle and fading to destColour on the circle outside. More...
void GradientFillLinear (const wxRect &rect, const wxColour &initialColour, const wxColour &destColour, wxDirection nDirection=wxRIGHT)
 Fill the area specified by rect with a linear gradient, starting from initialColour and eventually fading to destColour. More...
bool FloodFill (wxCoord x, wxCoord y, const wxColour &colour, wxFloodFillStyle style=wxFLOOD_SURFACE)
 Flood fills the device context starting from the given point, using the current brush colour, and using a style: More...
bool FloodFill (const wxPoint &pt, const wxColour &col, wxFloodFillStyle style=wxFLOOD_SURFACE)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void CrossHair (wxCoord x, wxCoord y)
 Displays a cross hair using the current pen. More...
void CrossHair (const wxPoint &pt)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void DestroyClippingRegion ()
 Destroys the current clipping region so that none of the DC is clipped. More...
bool GetClippingBox (wxCoord *x, wxCoord *y, wxCoord *width, wxCoord *height) const
 Gets the rectangle surrounding the current clipping region. More...
bool GetClippingBox (wxRect &rect) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void SetClippingRegion (wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord width, wxCoord height)
 Sets the clipping region for this device context to the intersection of the given region described by the parameters of this method and the previously set clipping region. More...
void SetClippingRegion (const wxPoint &pt, const wxSize &sz)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void SetClippingRegion (const wxRect &rect)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void SetDeviceClippingRegion (const wxRegion &region)
 Sets the clipping region for this device context. More...
int GetBackgroundMode () const
 Returns the current background mode: wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID or wxBRUSHSTYLE_TRANSPARENT. More...
const wxColourGetTextBackground () const
 Gets the current text background colour. More...
const wxColourGetTextForeground () const
 Gets the current text foreground colour. More...
void SetBackgroundMode (int mode)
 Change the current background mode. More...
void SetTextBackground (const wxColour &colour)
 Sets the current text background colour for the DC. More...
void SetTextForeground (const wxColour &colour)
 Sets the current text foreground colour for the DC. More...
void CalcBoundingBox (wxCoord x, wxCoord y)
 Adds the specified point to the bounding box which can be retrieved with MinX(), MaxX() and MinY(), MaxY() functions. More...
wxCoord MaxX () const
 Gets the maximum horizontal extent used in drawing commands so far. More...
wxCoord MaxY () const
 Gets the maximum vertical extent used in drawing commands so far. More...
wxCoord MinX () const
 Gets the minimum horizontal extent used in drawing commands so far. More...
wxCoord MinY () const
 Gets the minimum vertical extent used in drawing commands so far. More...
void ResetBoundingBox ()
 Resets the bounding box: after a call to this function, the bounding box doesn't contain anything. More...
bool StartDoc (const wxString &message)
 Starts a document (only relevant when outputting to a printer). More...
void StartPage ()
 Starts a document page (only relevant when outputting to a printer). More...
void EndDoc ()
 Ends a document (only relevant when outputting to a printer). More...
void EndPage ()
 Ends a document page (only relevant when outputting to a printer). More...
bool Blit (wxCoord xdest, wxCoord ydest, wxCoord width, wxCoord height, wxDC *source, wxCoord xsrc, wxCoord ysrc, wxRasterOperationMode logicalFunc=wxCOPY, bool useMask=false, wxCoord xsrcMask=wxDefaultCoord, wxCoord ysrcMask=wxDefaultCoord)
 Copy from a source DC to this DC. More...
bool StretchBlit (wxCoord xdest, wxCoord ydest, wxCoord dstWidth, wxCoord dstHeight, wxDC *source, wxCoord xsrc, wxCoord ysrc, wxCoord srcWidth, wxCoord srcHeight, wxRasterOperationMode logicalFunc=wxCOPY, bool useMask=false, wxCoord xsrcMask=wxDefaultCoord, wxCoord ysrcMask=wxDefaultCoord)
 Copy from a source DC to this DC possibly changing the scale. More...
const wxBrushGetBackground () const
 Gets the brush used for painting the background. More...
const wxBrushGetBrush () const
 Gets the current brush. More...
const wxPenGetPen () const
 Gets the current pen. More...
void SetBackground (const wxBrush &brush)
 Sets the current background brush for the DC. More...
void SetBrush (const wxBrush &brush)
 Sets the current brush for the DC. More...
void SetPen (const wxPen &pen)
 Sets the current pen for the DC. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxReadOnlyDC
bool IsOk () const
 Returns true if the DC is ok to use. More...
double GetContentScaleFactor () const
 Returns the factor used for converting logical pixels to physical ones. More...
int GetDepth () const
 Returns the depth (number of bits/pixel) of this DC. More...
wxPoint GetDeviceOrigin () const
 Returns the current device origin. More...
wxMappingMode GetMapMode () const
 Gets the current mapping mode for the device context. More...
wxSize GetPPI () const
 Returns the resolution of the device in pixels per inch. More...
wxSize FromDIP (const wxSize &sz) const
 Convert DPI-independent pixel values to the value in pixels appropriate for the DC. More...
wxPoint FromDIP (const wxPoint &pt) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
int FromDIP (int d) const
 Convert DPI-independent value in pixels to the value in pixels appropriate for the DC. More...
wxSize ToDIP (const wxSize &sz) const
 Convert pixel values of the current DC to DPI-independent pixel values. More...
wxPoint ToDIP (const wxPoint &pt) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
int ToDIP (int d) const
 Convert pixel values of the current DC to DPI-independent pixel values. More...
void GetSize (wxCoord *width, wxCoord *height) const
 Gets the horizontal and vertical extent of this device context in device units. More...
wxSize GetSize () const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void GetSizeMM (wxCoord *width, wxCoord *height) const
 Returns the horizontal and vertical resolution in millimetres. More...
wxSize GetSizeMM () const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void GetUserScale (double *x, double *y) const
 Gets the current user scale factor. More...
const wxFontGetFont () const
 Gets the current font. More...
wxLayoutDirection GetLayoutDirection () const
 Gets the current layout direction of the device context. More...
void SetFont (const wxFont &font)
 Sets the current font for the DC. More...
void SetLayoutDirection (wxLayoutDirection dir)
 Sets the current layout direction for the device context. More...
bool CanDrawBitmap () const
 Does the DC support drawing bitmaps? More...
bool CanGetTextExtent () const
 Does the DC support calculating the size required to draw text? More...
wxCoord DeviceToLogicalX (wxCoord x) const
 Convert device X coordinate to logical coordinate, using the current mapping mode, user scale factor, device origin and axis orientation. More...
wxCoord DeviceToLogicalXRel (wxCoord x) const
 Convert device X coordinate to relative logical coordinate, using the current mapping mode and user scale factor but ignoring the axis orientation. More...
wxCoord DeviceToLogicalY (wxCoord y) const
 Converts device Y coordinate to logical coordinate, using the current mapping mode, user scale factor, device origin and axis orientation. More...
wxCoord DeviceToLogicalYRel (wxCoord y) const
 Convert device Y coordinate to relative logical coordinate, using the current mapping mode and user scale factor but ignoring the axis orientation. More...
wxCoord LogicalToDeviceX (wxCoord x) const
 Converts logical X coordinate to device coordinate, using the current mapping mode, user scale factor, device origin and axis orientation. More...
wxCoord LogicalToDeviceXRel (wxCoord x) const
 Converts logical X coordinate to relative device coordinate, using the current mapping mode and user scale factor but ignoring the axis orientation. More...
wxCoord LogicalToDeviceY (wxCoord y) const
 Converts logical Y coordinate to device coordinate, using the current mapping mode, user scale factor, device origin and axis orientation. More...
wxCoord LogicalToDeviceYRel (wxCoord y) const
 Converts logical Y coordinate to relative device coordinate, using the current mapping mode and user scale factor but ignoring the axis orientation. More...
wxPoint DeviceToLogical (wxCoord x, wxCoord y) const
 Converts device (x, y) coordinates to logical coordinates taking into account all applied transformations like the current mapping mode, scale factors, device origin, axes orientation, affine transformation. More...
wxPoint DeviceToLogical (const wxPoint &pt) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
wxSize DeviceToLogicalRel (int x, int y) const
 Converts device x, y coordinates to relative logical coordinates taking into account all applied transformations like the current mapping mode, scale factors, affine transformation. More...
wxSize DeviceToLogicalRel (const wxSize &dim) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
wxPoint LogicalToDevice (wxCoord x, wxCoord y) const
 Converts logical (x, y) coordinates to device coordinates taking into account all applied transformations like the current mapping mode, scale factors, device origin, axes orientation, affine transformation. More...
wxPoint LogicalToDevice (const wxPoint &pt) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
wxSize LogicalToDeviceRel (int x, int y) const
 Converts logical x, y coordinates to relative device coordinates taking into account all applied transformations like the current mapping mode, scale factors, affine transformation. More...
wxSize LogicalToDeviceRel (const wxSize &dim) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void SetAxisOrientation (bool xLeftRight, bool yBottomUp)
 Sets the x and y axis orientation (i.e. the direction from lowest to highest values on the axis). More...
void SetDeviceOrigin (wxCoord x, wxCoord y)
 Sets the device origin (i.e. the origin in pixels after scaling has been applied). More...
void SetMapMode (wxMappingMode mode)
 The mapping mode of the device context defines the unit of measurement used to convert logical units to device units. More...
void SetUserScale (double xScale, double yScale)
 Sets the user scaling factor, useful for applications which require 'zooming'. More...
void SetLogicalScale (double x, double y)
 Set the scale to use for translating wxDC coordinates to the physical pixels. More...
void GetLogicalScale (double *x, double *y) const
 Return the scale set by the last call to SetLogicalScale(). More...
void SetLogicalOrigin (wxCoord x, wxCoord y)
 Change the offset used for translating wxDC coordinates. More...
void GetLogicalOrigin (wxCoord *x, wxCoord *y) const
 Return the coordinates of the logical point (0, 0). More...
wxPoint GetLogicalOrigin () const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
bool CanUseTransformMatrix () const
 Check if the use of transformation matrix is supported by the current system. More...
bool SetTransformMatrix (const wxAffineMatrix2D &matrix)
 Set the transformation matrix. More...
wxAffineMatrix2D GetTransformMatrix () const
 Return the transformation matrix used by this device context. More...
void ResetTransformMatrix ()
 Revert the transformation matrix to identity matrix. More...
wxCoord GetCharHeight () const
 Gets the character height of the currently set font. More...
wxCoord GetCharWidth () const
 Gets the average character width of the currently set font. More...
wxFontMetrics GetFontMetrics () const
 Returns the various font characteristics. More...
void GetMultiLineTextExtent (const wxString &string, wxCoord *w, wxCoord *h, wxCoord *heightLine=nullptr, const wxFont *font=nullptr) const
 Gets the dimensions of the string using the currently selected font. More...
wxSize GetMultiLineTextExtent (const wxString &string) const
 Gets the dimensions of the string using the currently selected font. More...
bool GetPartialTextExtents (const wxString &text, wxArrayInt &widths) const
 Fills the widths array with the widths from the beginning of text to the corresponding character of text. More...
void GetTextExtent (const wxString &string, wxCoord *w, wxCoord *h, wxCoord *descent=nullptr, wxCoord *externalLeading=nullptr, const wxFont *font=nullptr) const
 Gets the dimensions of the string using the currently selected font. More...
wxSize GetTextExtent (const wxString &string) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxObject
 wxObject ()
 Default ctor; initializes to nullptr the internal reference data. More...
 wxObject (const wxObject &other)
 Copy ctor. More...
virtual ~wxObject ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual wxClassInfoGetClassInfo () const
 This virtual function is redefined for every class that requires run-time type information, when using the wxDECLARE_CLASS macro (or similar). More...
wxObjectRefDataGetRefData () const
 Returns the wxObject::m_refData pointer, i.e. the data referenced by this object. More...
bool IsKindOf (const wxClassInfo *info) const
 Determines whether this class is a subclass of (or the same class as) the given class. More...
bool IsSameAs (const wxObject &obj) const
 Returns true if this object has the same data pointer as obj. More...
void Ref (const wxObject &clone)
 Makes this object refer to the data in clone. More...
void SetRefData (wxObjectRefData *data)
 Sets the wxObject::m_refData pointer. More...
void UnRef ()
 Decrements the reference count in the associated data, and if it is zero, deletes the data. More...
void UnShare ()
 This is the same of AllocExclusive() but this method is public. More...
void operator delete (void *buf)
 The delete operator is defined for debugging versions of the library only, when the identifier __WXDEBUG__ is defined. More...
void * operator new (size_t size, const wxString &filename=nullptr, int lineNum=0)
 The new operator is defined for debugging versions of the library only, when the identifier __WXDEBUG__ is defined. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from wxObject
void AllocExclusive ()
 Ensure that this object's data is not shared with any other object. More...
virtual wxObjectRefDataCreateRefData () const
 Creates a new instance of the wxObjectRefData-derived class specific to this object and returns it. More...
virtual wxObjectRefDataCloneRefData (const wxObjectRefData *data) const
 Creates a new instance of the wxObjectRefData-derived class specific to this object and initializes it copying data. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from wxObject
 Pointer to an object which is the object's reference-counted data. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ wxMirrorDC()

wxMirrorDC::wxMirrorDC ( wxDC dc,
bool  mirror 

Creates a (maybe) mirrored DC associated with the real dc.

Everything drawn on wxMirrorDC will appear (and maybe mirrored) on dc.

mirror specifies if we do mirror (if it is true) or not (if it is false).