This is the complete list of members for wxTipWindow, including all inherited members.
AcceptsFocus() const | wxWindow | virtual |
AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard() const | wxWindow | virtual |
AcceptsFocusRecursively() const | wxWindow | virtual |
AddChild(wxWindow *child) | wxWindow | virtual |
AddFilter(wxEventFilter *filter) | wxEvtHandler | static |
AddPendingEvent(const wxEvent &event) | wxWindow | protectedvirtual |
AdjustForLayoutDirection(wxCoord x, wxCoord width, wxCoord widthTotal) const | wxWindow | virtual |
AllocExclusive() | wxObject | protected |
AlwaysShowScrollbars(bool hflag=true, bool vflag=true) | wxWindow | virtual |
BeginRepositioningChildren() | wxWindow | |
Bind(const EventTag &eventType, Functor functor, int id=wxID_ANY, int lastId=wxID_ANY, wxObject *userData=NULL) | wxEvtHandler | |
Bind(const EventTag &eventType, void(Class::*method)(EventArg &), EventHandler *handler, int id=wxID_ANY, int lastId=wxID_ANY, wxObject *userData=NULL) | wxEvtHandler | |
CacheBestSize(const wxSize &size) const | wxWindow | |
CallAfter(void(T::*method)(T1,...), T1 x1,...) | wxEvtHandler | |
CallAfter(const T &functor) | wxEvtHandler | |
CanAcceptFocus() const | wxWindow | |
CanAcceptFocusFromKeyboard() const | wxWindow | |
CanScroll(int orient) const | wxWindow | |
CanSetTransparent() | wxWindow | virtual |
CaptureMouse() | wxWindow | |
Center(int dir=wxBOTH) | wxWindow | |
CenterOnParent(int dir=wxBOTH) | wxWindow | |
Centre(int direction=wxBOTH) | wxWindow | |
CentreOnParent(int direction=wxBOTH) | wxWindow | |
ClearBackground() | wxWindow | virtual |
ClientToScreen(int *x, int *y) const | wxWindow | |
ClientToScreen(const wxPoint &pt) const | wxWindow | |
ClientToWindowSize(const wxSize &size) const | wxWindow | virtual |
CloneRefData(const wxObjectRefData *data) const | wxObject | protectedvirtual |
Close(bool force=false) | wxWindow | |
Connect(int id, int lastId, wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction function, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL) | wxEvtHandler | |
Connect(int id, wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction function, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL) | wxEvtHandler | |
Connect(wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction function, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL) | wxEvtHandler | |
ConvertDialogToPixels(const wxPoint &pt) const | wxWindow | |
ConvertDialogToPixels(const wxSize &sz) const | wxWindow | |
ConvertPixelsToDialog(const wxPoint &pt) const | wxWindow | |
ConvertPixelsToDialog(const wxSize &sz) const | wxWindow | |
Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=0, const wxString &name=wxPanelNameStr) | wxWindow | |
CreateAccessible() | wxWindow | virtual |
CreateRefData() const | wxObject | protectedvirtual |
DeletePendingEvents() | wxEvtHandler | |
Destroy() | wxWindow | virtual |
DestroyChildren() | wxWindow | |
Disable() | wxWindow | |
DisableFocusFromKeyboard() | wxWindow | |
Disconnect(wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction function, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL) | wxEvtHandler | |
Disconnect(int id=wxID_ANY, wxEventType eventType=wxEVT_NULL, wxObjectEventFunction function=NULL, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL) | wxEvtHandler | |
Disconnect(int id, int lastId, wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction function=NULL, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL) | wxEvtHandler | |
DoCentre(int direction) | wxWindow | protectedvirtual |
DoGetBestClientHeight(int width) const | wxWindow | protectedvirtual |
DoGetBestClientSize() const | wxWindow | protectedvirtual |
DoGetBestClientWidth(int height) const | wxWindow | protectedvirtual |
DoGetBestSize() const | wxWindow | protectedvirtual |
DoUpdateWindowUI(wxUpdateUIEvent &event) | wxWindow | virtual |
DragAcceptFiles(bool accept) | wxWindow | virtual |
Enable(bool enable=true) | wxWindow | virtual |
EnableTouchEvents(int eventsMask) | wxWindow | virtual |
EnableVisibleFocus(bool enable) | wxWindow | virtual |
EndRepositioningChildren() | wxWindow | |
FindFocus() | wxWindow | static |
FindWindow(long id) const | wxWindow | |
FindWindow(const wxString &name) const | wxWindow | |
FindWindowById(long id, const wxWindow *parent=0) | wxWindow | static |
FindWindowByLabel(const wxString &label, const wxWindow *parent=0) | wxWindow | static |
FindWindowByName(const wxString &name, const wxWindow *parent=0) | wxWindow | static |
Fit() | wxWindow | virtual |
FitInside() | wxWindow | virtual |
Freeze() | wxWindow | |
FromDIP(const wxSize &sz) const | wxWindow | |
FromDIP(const wxPoint &pt) const | wxWindow | |
FromDIP(int d) const | wxWindow | |
FromDIP(const wxSize &sz, const wxWindow *w) | wxWindow | static |
FromDIP(const wxPoint &pt, const wxWindow *w) | wxWindow | static |
FromDIP(int d, const wxWindow *w) | wxWindow | static |
FromPhys(const wxSize &sz) const | wxWindow | |
FromPhys(const wxPoint &pt) const | wxWindow | |
FromPhys(int d) const | wxWindow | |
FromPhys(const wxSize &sz, const wxWindow *w) | wxWindow | static |
FromPhys(const wxPoint &pt, const wxWindow *w) | wxWindow | static |
FromPhys(int d, const wxWindow *w) | wxWindow | static |
GetAcceleratorTable() | wxWindow | |
GetAccessible() | wxWindow | |
GetAutoLayout() const | wxWindow | |
GetBackgroundColour() const | wxWindow | |
GetBackgroundStyle() const | wxWindow | virtual |
GetBestHeight(int width) const | wxWindow | |
GetBestSize() const | wxWindow | |
GetBestVirtualSize() const | wxWindow | virtual |
GetBestWidth(int height) const | wxWindow | |
GetBorder(long flags) const | wxWindow | |
GetBorder() const | wxWindow | |
GetCapture() | wxWindow | static |
GetCaret() const | wxWindow | |
GetCharHeight() const | wxWindow | virtual |
GetCharWidth() const | wxWindow | virtual |
GetChildren() | wxWindow | |
GetChildren() const | wxWindow | |
GetClassDefaultAttributes(wxWindowVariant variant=wxWINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) | wxWindow | static |
GetClassInfo() const | wxObject | virtual |
GetClientAreaOrigin() const | wxWindow | virtual |
GetClientData() const | wxEvtHandler | |
GetClientObject() const | wxEvtHandler | |
GetClientRect() const | wxWindow | |
GetClientSize(int *width, int *height) const | wxWindow | |
GetClientSize() const | wxWindow | |
GetConstraints() const | wxWindow | |
GetContainingSizer() const | wxWindow | |
GetContentScaleFactor() const | wxWindow | |
GetCursor() const | wxWindow | |
GetDefaultAttributes() const | wxWindow | virtual |
GetDPI() const | wxWindow | virtual |
GetDPIScaleFactor() const | wxWindow | |
GetDropTarget() const | wxWindow | virtual |
GetEffectiveMinSize() const | wxWindow | virtual |
GetEventHandler() const | wxWindow | |
GetEvtHandlerEnabled() const | wxEvtHandler | |
GetExtraStyle() const | wxWindow | |
GetFont() const | wxWindow | |
GetForegroundColour() const | wxWindow | |
GetGrandParent() const | wxWindow | |
GetHandle() const | wxWindow | virtual |
GetHelpText() const | wxWindow | |
GetHelpTextAtPoint(const wxPoint &point, wxHelpEvent::Origin origin) const | wxWindow | virtual |
GetId() const | wxWindow | |
GetLabel() const | wxWindow | virtual |
GetLayoutDirection() const | wxWindow | virtual |
GetMaxClientSize() const | wxWindow | virtual |
GetMaxHeight() const | wxWindow | |
GetMaxSize() const | wxWindow | virtual |
GetMaxWidth() const | wxWindow | |
GetMinClientSize() const | wxWindow | virtual |
GetMinHeight() const | wxWindow | |
GetMinSize() const | wxWindow | virtual |
GetMinWidth() const | wxWindow | |
GetName() const | wxWindow | virtual |
GetNextHandler() const | wxEvtHandler | |
GetNextSibling() const | wxWindow | |
GetOrCreateAccessible() | wxWindow | |
GetParent() const | wxWindow | |
GetPopupMenuSelectionFromUser(wxMenu &menu, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition) | wxWindow | |
GetPopupMenuSelectionFromUser(wxMenu &menu, int x, int y) | wxWindow | |
GetPosition(int *x, int *y) const | wxWindow | |
GetPosition() const | wxWindow | |
GetPreviousHandler() const | wxEvtHandler | |
GetPrevSibling() const | wxWindow | |
GetRect() const | wxWindow | |
GetRefData() const | wxObject | |
GetScreenPosition(int *x, int *y) const | wxWindow | |
GetScreenPosition() const | wxWindow | |
GetScreenRect() const | wxWindow | |
GetScrollPos(int orientation) const | wxWindow | virtual |
GetScrollRange(int orientation) const | wxWindow | virtual |
GetScrollThumb(int orientation) const | wxWindow | virtual |
GetSize(int *width, int *height) const | wxWindow | |
GetSize() const | wxWindow | |
GetSizer() const | wxWindow | |
GetTextExtent(const wxString &string, int *w, int *h, int *descent=NULL, int *externalLeading=NULL, const wxFont *font=NULL) const | wxWindow | |
GetTextExtent(const wxString &string) const | wxWindow | |
GetThemeEnabled() const | wxWindow | virtual |
GetToolTip() const | wxWindow | |
GetToolTipText() const | wxWindow | |
GetUpdateClientRect() const | wxWindow | |
GetUpdateRegion() const | wxWindow | |
GetValidator() | wxWindow | virtual |
GetVirtualSize() const | wxWindow | |
GetVirtualSize(int *width, int *height) const | wxWindow | |
GetWindowBorderSize() const | wxWindow | virtual |
GetWindowStyle() const | wxWindow | |
GetWindowStyleFlag() const | wxWindow | virtual |
GetWindowVariant() const | wxWindow | |
HandleAsNavigationKey(const wxKeyEvent &event) | wxWindow | |
HandleWindowEvent(wxEvent &event) const | wxWindow | |
HasCapture() const | wxWindow | virtual |
HasExtraStyle(int exFlag) const | wxWindow | |
HasFlag(int flag) const | wxWindow | |
HasFocus() const | wxWindow | virtual |
HasMultiplePages() const | wxWindow | virtual |
HasScrollbar(int orient) const | wxWindow | |
HasTransparentBackground() | wxWindow | virtual |
Hide() | wxWindow | |
HideWithEffect(wxShowEffect effect, unsigned int timeout=0) | wxWindow | virtual |
HitTest(wxCoord x, wxCoord y) const | wxWindow | |
HitTest(const wxPoint &pt) const | wxWindow | |
InformFirstDirection(int direction, int size, int availableOtherDir) | wxWindow | virtual |
InheritAttributes() | wxWindow | virtual |
InheritsBackgroundColour() const | wxWindow | |
InheritsForegroundColour() const | wxWindow | |
InitDialog() | wxWindow | virtual |
InvalidateBestSize() | wxWindow | |
IsBeingDeleted() const | wxWindow | |
IsDescendant(wxWindow *win) const | wxWindow | |
IsDoubleBuffered() const | wxWindow | virtual |
IsEnabled() const | wxWindow | |
IsExposed(int x, int y) const | wxWindow | |
IsExposed(wxPoint &pt) const | wxWindow | |
IsExposed(int x, int y, int w, int h) const | wxWindow | |
IsExposed(wxRect &rect) const | wxWindow | |
IsFocusable() const | wxWindow | |
IsFrozen() const | wxWindow | |
IsKindOf(const wxClassInfo *info) const | wxObject | |
IsRetained() const | wxWindow | virtual |
IsSameAs(const wxObject &obj) const | wxObject | |
IsScrollbarAlwaysShown(int orient) const | wxWindow | virtual |
IsShown() const | wxWindow | virtual |
IsShownOnScreen() const | wxWindow | virtual |
IsThisEnabled() const | wxWindow | |
IsTopLevel() const | wxWindow | virtual |
IsTransparentBackgroundSupported(wxString *reason=NULL) const | wxWindow | virtual |
IsUnlinked() const | wxEvtHandler | |
Layout() | wxWindow | virtual |
LineDown() | wxWindow | |
LineUp() | wxWindow | |
Lower() | wxWindow | virtual |
m_refData | wxObject | protected |
Move(int x, int y, int flags=wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING) | wxWindow | |
Move(const wxPoint &pt, int flags=wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING) | wxWindow | |
MoveAfterInTabOrder(wxWindow *win) | wxWindow | |
MoveBeforeInTabOrder(wxWindow *win) | wxWindow | |
Navigate(int flags=wxNavigationKeyEvent::IsForward) | wxWindow | |
NavigateIn(int flags=wxNavigationKeyEvent::IsForward) | wxWindow | |
NewControlId(int count=1) | wxWindow | static |
OnInternalIdle() | wxWindow | virtual |
operator delete(void *buf) | wxObject | |
operator new(size_t size, const wxString &filename=NULL, int lineNum=0) | wxObject | |
PageDown() | wxWindow | |
PageUp() | wxWindow | |
PopEventHandler(bool deleteHandler=false) | wxWindow | |
PopupMenu(wxMenu *menu, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition) | wxWindow | |
PopupMenu(wxMenu *menu, int x, int y) | wxWindow | |
PostSizeEvent() | wxWindow | |
PostSizeEventToParent() | wxWindow | |
ProcessEvent(wxEvent &event) | wxWindow | protectedvirtual |
ProcessEventLocally(wxEvent &event) | wxEvtHandler | |
ProcessPendingEvents() | wxWindow | protected |
ProcessThreadEvent(const wxEvent &event) | wxWindow | protected |
ProcessWindowEvent(wxEvent &event) | wxWindow | |
ProcessWindowEventLocally(wxEvent &event) | wxWindow | |
PushEventHandler(wxEvtHandler *handler) | wxWindow | |
QueueEvent(wxEvent *event) | wxWindow | protectedvirtual |
Raise() | wxWindow | virtual |
Ref(const wxObject &clone) | wxObject | |
Refresh(bool eraseBackground=true, const wxRect *rect=NULL) | wxWindow | virtual |
RefreshRect(const wxRect &rect, bool eraseBackground=true) | wxWindow | |
RegisterHotKey(int hotkeyId, int modifiers, int virtualKeyCode) | wxWindow | virtual |
ReleaseMouse() | wxWindow | |
RemoveChild(wxWindow *child) | wxWindow | virtual |
RemoveEventHandler(wxEvtHandler *handler) | wxWindow | |
RemoveFilter(wxEventFilter *filter) | wxEvtHandler | static |
Reparent(wxWindow *newParent) | wxWindow | virtual |
SafelyProcessEvent(wxEvent &event) | wxWindow | protected |
ScreenToClient(int *x, int *y) const | wxWindow | |
ScreenToClient(const wxPoint &pt) const | wxWindow | |
ScrollLines(int lines) | wxWindow | virtual |
ScrollPages(int pages) | wxWindow | virtual |
ScrollWindow(int dx, int dy, const wxRect *rect=NULL) | wxWindow | virtual |
SendDestroyEvent() | wxWindow | protected |
SendIdleEvents(wxIdleEvent &event) | wxWindow | virtual |
SendSizeEvent(int flags=0) | wxWindow | virtual |
SendSizeEventToParent(int flags=0) | wxWindow | |
SetAcceleratorTable(const wxAcceleratorTable &accel) | wxWindow | virtual |
SetAccessible(wxAccessible *accessible) | wxWindow | |
SetAutoLayout(bool autoLayout) | wxWindow | |
SetBackgroundColour(const wxColour &colour) | wxWindow | virtual |
SetBackgroundStyle(wxBackgroundStyle style) | wxWindow | virtual |
SetBoundingRect(const wxRect &rectBound) | wxTipWindow | |
SetCanFocus(bool canFocus) | wxWindow | virtual |
SetCaret(wxCaret *caret) | wxWindow | |
SetClientData(void *data) | wxEvtHandler | |
SetClientObject(wxClientData *data) | wxEvtHandler | |
SetClientSize(int width, int height) | wxWindow | |
SetClientSize(const wxSize &size) | wxWindow | |
SetClientSize(const wxRect &rect) | wxWindow | |
SetConstraints(wxLayoutConstraints *constraints) | wxWindow | |
SetContainingSizer(wxSizer *sizer) | wxWindow | |
SetCursor(const wxCursor &cursor) | wxWindow | virtual |
SetDoubleBuffered(bool on) | wxWindow | |
SetDropTarget(wxDropTarget *target) | wxWindow | virtual |
SetEventHandler(wxEvtHandler *handler) | wxWindow | |
SetEvtHandlerEnabled(bool enabled) | wxEvtHandler | |
SetExtraStyle(long exStyle) | wxWindow | virtual |
SetFocus() | wxWindow | virtual |
SetFocusFromKbd() | wxWindow | virtual |
SetFont(const wxFont &font) | wxWindow | virtual |
SetForegroundColour(const wxColour &colour) | wxWindow | virtual |
SetHelpText(const wxString &helpText) | wxWindow | |
SetId(wxWindowID winid) | wxWindow | |
SetInitialBestSize(const wxSize &size) | wxWindow | protectedvirtual |
SetInitialSize(const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize) | wxWindow | |
SetLabel(const wxString &label) | wxWindow | virtual |
SetLayoutDirection(wxLayoutDirection dir) | wxWindow | virtual |
SetMaxClientSize(const wxSize &size) | wxWindow | virtual |
SetMaxSize(const wxSize &size) | wxWindow | virtual |
SetMinClientSize(const wxSize &size) | wxWindow | virtual |
SetMinSize(const wxSize &size) | wxWindow | virtual |
SetName(const wxString &name) | wxWindow | virtual |
SetNextHandler(wxEvtHandler *handler) | wxWindow | virtual |
SetOwnBackgroundColour(const wxColour &colour) | wxWindow | |
SetOwnFont(const wxFont &font) | wxWindow | |
SetOwnForegroundColour(const wxColour &colour) | wxWindow | |
SetPalette(const wxPalette &pal) | wxWindow | |
SetPosition(const wxPoint &pt) | wxWindow | |
SetPreviousHandler(wxEvtHandler *handler) | wxWindow | virtual |
SetRefData(wxObjectRefData *data) | wxObject | |
SetScrollbar(int orientation, int position, int thumbSize, int range, bool refresh=true) | wxWindow | virtual |
SetScrollPos(int orientation, int pos, bool refresh=true) | wxWindow | virtual |
SetSize(int x, int y, int width, int height, int sizeFlags=wxSIZE_AUTO) | wxWindow | |
SetSize(const wxRect &rect) | wxWindow | |
SetSize(const wxSize &size) | wxWindow | |
SetSize(int width, int height) | wxWindow | |
SetSizeHints(const wxSize &minSize, const wxSize &maxSize=wxDefaultSize, const wxSize &incSize=wxDefaultSize) | wxWindow | virtual |
SetSizeHints(int minW, int minH, int maxW=-1, int maxH=-1, int incW=-1, int incH=-1) | wxWindow | virtual |
SetSizer(wxSizer *sizer, bool deleteOld=true) | wxWindow | |
SetSizerAndFit(wxSizer *sizer, bool deleteOld=true) | wxWindow | |
SetThemeEnabled(bool enable) | wxWindow | virtual |
SetTipWindowPtr(wxTipWindow **windowPtr) | wxTipWindow | |
SetToolTip(const wxString &tipString) | wxWindow | |
SetToolTip(wxToolTip *tip) | wxWindow | |
SetTransparent(wxByte alpha) | wxWindow | virtual |
SetValidator(const wxValidator &validator) | wxWindow | virtual |
SetVirtualSize(int width, int height) | wxWindow | |
SetVirtualSize(const wxSize &size) | wxWindow | |
SetWindowStyle(long style) | wxWindow | |
SetWindowStyleFlag(long style) | wxWindow | virtual |
SetWindowVariant(wxWindowVariant variant) | wxWindow | |
ShouldInheritColours() const | wxWindow | virtual |
Show(bool show=true) | wxWindow | virtual |
ShowWithEffect(wxShowEffect effect, unsigned int timeout=0) | wxWindow | virtual |
Thaw() | wxWindow | |
ToDIP(const wxSize &sz) const | wxWindow | |
ToDIP(const wxPoint &pt) const | wxWindow | |
ToDIP(int d) const | wxWindow | |
ToDIP(const wxSize &sz, const wxWindow *w) | wxWindow | static |
ToDIP(const wxPoint &pt, const wxWindow *w) | wxWindow | static |
ToDIP(int d, const wxWindow *w) | wxWindow | static |
ToggleWindowStyle(int flag) | wxWindow | |
ToPhys(const wxSize &sz) const | wxWindow | |
ToPhys(const wxPoint &pt) const | wxWindow | |
ToPhys(int d) const | wxWindow | |
ToPhys(const wxSize &sz, const wxWindow *w) | wxWindow | static |
ToPhys(const wxPoint &pt, const wxWindow *w) | wxWindow | static |
ToPhys(int d, const wxWindow *w) | wxWindow | static |
TransferDataFromWindow() | wxWindow | virtual |
TransferDataToWindow() | wxWindow | virtual |
TryAfter(wxEvent &event) | wxEvtHandler | protectedvirtual |
TryBefore(wxEvent &event) | wxEvtHandler | protectedvirtual |
Unbind(const EventTag &eventType, Functor functor, int id=wxID_ANY, int lastId=wxID_ANY, wxObject *userData=NULL) | wxEvtHandler | |
Unbind(const EventTag &eventType, void(Class::*method)(EventArg &), EventHandler *handler, int id=wxID_ANY, int lastId=wxID_ANY, wxObject *userData=NULL) | wxEvtHandler | |
Unlink() | wxEvtHandler | |
UnRef() | wxObject | |
UnregisterHotKey(int hotkeyId) | wxWindow | virtual |
UnreserveControlId(wxWindowID id, int count=1) | wxWindow | static |
UnsetToolTip() | wxWindow | |
UnShare() | wxObject | |
Update() | wxWindow | virtual |
UpdateWindowUI(long flags=wxUPDATE_UI_NONE) | wxWindow | virtual |
UseBackgroundColour() const | wxWindow | |
UseBgCol() const | wxWindow | |
UseForegroundColour() const | wxWindow | |
Validate() | wxWindow | virtual |
WarpPointer(int x, int y) | wxWindow | virtual |
WindowToClientSize(const wxSize &size) const | wxWindow | virtual |
wxEvtHandler() | wxEvtHandler | |
wxObject() | wxObject | |
wxObject(const wxObject &other) | wxObject | |
wxTipWindow(wxWindow *parent, const wxString &text, wxCoord maxLength=100, wxTipWindow **windowPtr=NULL, wxRect *rectBounds=NULL) | wxTipWindow | |
wxWindow() | wxWindow | |
wxWindow(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=0, const wxString &name=wxPanelNameStr) | wxWindow | |
~wxEvtHandler() | wxEvtHandler | virtual |
~wxObject() | wxObject | virtual |
~wxWindow() | wxWindow | virtual |