| wxPGRootProperty (const wxString &name=wxS("<Root>")) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~wxPGRootProperty () |
virtual bool | StringToValue (wxVariant &, const wxString &, int) const |
| Converts text into wxVariant value appropriate for this property. More...
virtual | ~wxPGProperty () |
| Virtual destructor. More...
virtual void | OnSetValue () |
| This virtual function is called after m_value has been set. More...
virtual wxVariant | DoGetValue () const |
| Override this to return something else than m_value as the value. More...
virtual bool | ValidateValue (wxVariant &value, wxPGValidationInfo &validationInfo) const |
| Implement this function in derived class to check the value. More...
virtual bool | IntToValue (wxVariant &variant, int number, int argFlags=0) const |
| Converts integer (possibly a choice selection) into wxVariant value appropriate for this property. More...
virtual wxString | ValueToString (wxVariant &value, int argFlags=0) const |
| Converts property value into a text representation. More...
bool | SetValueFromString (const wxString &text, int flags=wxPG_PROGRAMMATIC_VALUE) |
| Converts string to a value, and if successful, calls SetValue() on it. More...
bool | SetValueFromInt (long value, int flags=0) |
| Converts integer to a value, and if successful, calls SetValue() on it. More...
virtual wxSize | OnMeasureImage (int item=-1) const |
| Returns size of the custom painted image in front of property. More...
virtual bool | OnEvent (wxPropertyGrid *propgrid, wxWindow *wnd_primary, wxEvent &event) |
| Events received by editor widgets are processed here. More...
virtual wxVariant | ChildChanged (wxVariant &thisValue, int childIndex, wxVariant &childValue) const |
| Called after value of a child property has been altered. More...
virtual const wxPGEditor * | DoGetEditorClass () const |
| Returns pointer to an instance of used editor. More...
virtual wxValidator * | DoGetValidator () const |
| Returns pointer to the wxValidator that should be used with the editor of this property (NULL for no validator). More...
virtual void | OnCustomPaint (wxDC &dc, const wxRect &rect, wxPGPaintData &paintdata) |
| Override to paint an image in front of the property value text or drop-down list item (but only if wxPGProperty::OnMeasureImage is overridden as well). More...
virtual wxPGCellRenderer * | GetCellRenderer (int column) const |
| Returns used wxPGCellRenderer instance for given property column (label=0, value=1). More...
virtual int | GetChoiceSelection () const |
| Returns which choice is currently selected. More...
virtual void | RefreshChildren () |
| Refresh values of child properties. More...
virtual bool | DoSetAttribute (const wxString &name, wxVariant &value) |
| Reimplement this member function to add special handling for attributes of this property. More...
virtual wxVariant | DoGetAttribute (const wxString &name) const |
| Returns value of an attribute. More...
virtual wxPGEditorDialogAdapter * | GetEditorDialog () const |
| Returns instance of a new wxPGEditorDialogAdapter instance, which is used when user presses the (optional) button next to the editor control;. More...
virtual void | OnValidationFailure (wxVariant &pendingValue) |
| Called whenever validation has failed with given pending value. More...
int | AddChoice (const wxString &label, int value=wxPG_INVALID_VALUE) |
| Append a new choice to property's list of choices. More...
void | AddChild (wxPGProperty *prop) |
| Adds a private child property. More...
void | AddPrivateChild (wxPGProperty *prop) |
| Adds a private child property. More...
void | AdaptListToValue (wxVariant &list, wxVariant *value) const |
| Adapts list variant into proper value using consecutive ChildChanged() calls. More...
wxPGProperty * | AppendChild (wxPGProperty *childProperty) |
| Use this member function to add independent (i.e. More...
bool | AreAllChildrenSpecified (const wxVariant *pendingList=NULL) const |
| Determines, recursively, if all children are not unspecified. More...
bool | AreChildrenComponents () const |
| Returns true if children of this property are component values (for instance, points size, face name, and is_underlined are component values of a font). More...
void | ChangeFlag (wxPGPropertyFlags flag, bool set) |
| Sets or clears given property flag. More...
void | DeleteChildren () |
| Deletes children of the property. More...
void | DeleteChoice (int index) |
| Removes entry from property's wxPGChoices and editor control (if it is active). More...
void | Enable (bool enable=true) |
| Enables or disables the property. More...
void | EnableCommonValue (bool enable=true) |
| Call to enable or disable usage of common value (integer value that can be selected for properties instead of their normal values) for this property. More...
wxString | GenerateComposedValue () const |
| Composes text from values of child properties. More...
const wxString & | GetLabel () const |
| Returns property's label. More...
wxVariant | GetAttribute (const wxString &name) const |
| Returns property attribute value, null variant if not found. More...
wxString | GetAttribute (const wxString &name, const wxString &defVal) const |
| Returns named attribute, as string, if found. More...
long | GetAttributeAsLong (const wxString &name, long defVal) const |
| Returns named attribute, as long, if found. More...
double | GetAttributeAsDouble (const wxString &name, double defVal) const |
| Returns named attribute, as double, if found. More...
const wxPGAttributeStorage & | GetAttributes () const |
| Returns map-like storage of property's attributes. More...
wxVariant | GetAttributesAsList () const |
| Returns attributes as list wxVariant. More...
const wxPGEditor * | GetColumnEditor (int column) const |
| Returns editor used for given column. More...
const wxString & | GetBaseName () const |
| Returns property's base name (i.e. More...
const wxPGCell & | GetCell (unsigned int column) const |
| Returns wxPGCell of given column. More...
wxPGCell & | GetCell (unsigned int column) |
| Returns wxPGCell of given column, creating one if necessary. More...
wxPGCell & | GetOrCreateCell (unsigned int column) |
| Returns wxPGCell of given column, creating one if necessary. More...
unsigned int | GetChildCount () const |
| Returns number of child properties. More...
int | GetChildrenHeight (int lh, int iMax=-1) const |
| Returns height of children, recursively, and by taking expanded/collapsed status into account. More...
const wxPGChoices & | GetChoices () const |
| Returns read-only reference to property's list of choices. More...
void * | GetClientData () const |
| Returns client data (void*) of a property. More...
wxClientData * | GetClientObject () const |
| Gets managed client object of a property. More...
wxVariant | GetDefaultValue () const |
| Returns property's default value. More...
int | GetCommonValue () const |
| Returns common value selected for this property. More...
unsigned int | GetDepth () const |
int | GetDisplayedCommonValueCount () const |
| Return number of displayed common values for this property. More...
wxString | GetDisplayedString () const |
| Returns property's displayed text. More...
const wxPGEditor * | GetEditorClass () const |
| Returns wxPGEditor that will be used and created when property becomes selected. More...
wxString | GetHintText () const |
| Returns property's hint text (shown in empty value cell). More...
wxPropertyGrid * | GetGrid () const |
| Returns property grid where property lies. More...
wxPropertyGrid * | GetGridIfDisplayed () const |
| Returns owner wxPropertyGrid, but only if one is currently on a page displaying this property. More...
const wxString & | GetHelpString () const |
| Returns property's help or description text. More...
wxString | GetFlagsAsString (FlagType flagsMask) const |
| Gets flags as a'|' delimited string. More...
unsigned int | GetIndexInParent () const |
| Returns position in parent's array. More...
const wxPGProperty * | GetLastVisibleSubItem () const |
| Returns last visible child property, recursively. More...
wxPGProperty * | GetMainParent () const |
| Returns highest level non-category, non-root parent. More...
int | GetMaxLength () const |
| Returns maximum allowed length of the text the user can enter in the property text editor. More...
wxString | GetName () const |
| Returns property's name with all (non-category, non-root) parents. More...
wxPGProperty * | GetParent () const |
| Return parent of property. More...
wxPGProperty * | GetPropertyByName (const wxString &name) const |
| Returns (direct) child property with given name (or NULL if not found). More...
wxValidator * | GetValidator () const |
| Gets assignable version of property's validator. More...
wxVariant | GetValue () const |
| Returns property's value. More...
wxBitmap * | GetValueImage () const |
| Returns bitmap that appears next to value text. More...
virtual wxString | GetValueAsString (int argFlags=0) const |
| Returns text representation of property's value. More...
wxString | GetValueString (int argFlags=0) const |
| Synonymous to GetValueAsString(). More...
wxString | GetValueType () const |
| Returns value type used by this property. More...
int | GetY () const |
| Returns coordinate to the top y of the property. More...
int | GetImageOffset (int imageWidth) const |
| Converts image width into full image offset, with margins. More...
wxPGProperty * | GetItemAtY (unsigned int y) const |
| Returns property at given virtual y coordinate. More...
bool | HasFlag (wxPGPropertyFlags flag) const |
| Returns true if property has given flag set. More...
bool | HasFlag (FlagType flag) const |
| Returns true if property has given flag set. More...
bool | HasFlagsExact (FlagType flags) const |
| Returns true if property has all given flags set. More...
bool | HasVisibleChildren () const |
| Returns true if property has even one visible child. More...
bool | Hide (bool hide, int flags=wxPG_RECURSE) |
| Hides or reveals the property. More...
int | Index (const wxPGProperty *p) const |
| Returns index of given child property. More...
wxPGProperty * | InsertChild (int index, wxPGProperty *childProperty) |
| Use this member function to add independent (i.e. More...
int | InsertChoice (const wxString &label, int index, int value=wxPG_INVALID_VALUE) |
| Inserts a new choice to property's list of choices. More...
bool | IsCategory () const |
| Returns true if this property is actually a wxPropertyCategory. More...
bool | IsEnabled () const |
| Returns true if property is enabled. More...
bool | IsExpanded () const |
| Returns true if property has visible children. More...
bool | IsRoot () const |
| Returns true if this property is actually a wxRootProperty. More...
bool | IsSubProperty () const |
| Returns true if this is a sub-property. More...
bool | IsSomeParent (wxPGProperty *candidateParent) const |
| Returns true if candidateParent is some parent of this property. More...
bool | IsTextEditable () const |
| Returns true if property has editable wxTextCtrl when selected. More...
bool | IsValueUnspecified () const |
| Returns true if property's value is considered unspecified. More...
bool | IsVisible () const |
| Returns true if all parents expanded. More...
wxPGProperty * | Item (unsigned int i) const |
| Returns child property at index i. More...
wxPGProperty * | Last () const |
| Returns last sub-property. More...
bool | RecreateEditor () |
| If property's editor is created this forces its recreation. More...
void | RefreshEditor () |
| If property's editor is active, then update it's value. More...
void | SetAttribute (const wxString &name, wxVariant value) |
| Sets an attribute for this property. More...
void | SetAttributes (const wxPGAttributeStorage &attributes) |
void | SetAutoUnspecified (bool enable=true) |
| Set if user can change the property's value to unspecified by modifying the value of the editor control (usually by clearing it). More...
void | SetBackgroundColour (const wxColour &colour, int flags=wxPG_RECURSE) |
| Sets property's background colour. More...
void | SetEditor (const wxPGEditor *editor) |
| Sets editor for a property. More...
void | SetEditor (const wxString &editorName) |
| Sets editor for a property, by editor name. More...
void | SetCell (int column, const wxPGCell &cell) |
| Sets cell information for given column. More...
void | SetCommonValue (int commonValue) |
| Sets common value selected for this property. More...
bool | SetChoices (wxPGChoices &choices) |
| Sets new set of choices for the property. More...
void | SetClientData (void *clientData) |
| Sets client data (void*) of a property. More...
void | SetClientObject (wxClientData *clientObject) |
| Sets client object of a property. More...
void | SetChoiceSelection (int newValue) |
| Sets selected choice and changes property value. More...
void | SetDefaultValue (wxVariant &value) |
| Set default value of a property. More...
void | SetExpanded (bool expanded) |
void | SetFlagsFromString (const wxString &str) |
| Sets flags from a '|' delimited string. More...
void | SetFlagRecursively (wxPGPropertyFlags flag, bool set) |
| Sets or clears given property flag, recursively. More...
void | SetHelpString (const wxString &helpString) |
| Sets property's help string, which is shown, for example, in wxPropertyGridManager's description text box. More...
void | SetLabel (const wxString &label) |
| Sets property's label. More...
bool | SetMaxLength (int maxLen) |
| Set maximum length of the text the user can enter in the text editor. More...
void | SetModifiedStatus (bool modified) |
| Sets property's "is it modified?" flag. More...
void | SetName (const wxString &newName) |
| Sets new (base) name for property. More...
void | SetParentalType (int flag) |
| Changes what sort of parent this property is for its children. More...
void | SetTextColour (const wxColour &colour, int flags=wxPG_RECURSE) |
| Sets property's text colour. More...
void | SetDefaultColours (int flags=wxPG_RECURSE) |
| Sets property's default text and background colours. More...
void | SetValidator (const wxValidator &validator) |
| Sets wxValidator for a property. More...
void | SetValue (wxVariant value, wxVariant *pList=NULL, int flags=wxPG_SETVAL_REFRESH_EDITOR) |
| Call this to set value of the property. More...
void | SetValueImage (wxBitmapBundle &bmp) |
| Set wxBitmap taken from wxBitmapBundle in front of the value. More...
void | SetValueInEvent (const wxVariant &value) const |
| Call this function in OnEvent(), OnButtonClick() etc. More...
void | SetValueToUnspecified () |
| Sets property's value to unspecified (i.e. More...
void | SetWasModified (bool set=true) |
| Call with false in OnSetValue() to cancel value changes after all (i.e. More...
wxPGProperty * | UpdateParentValues () |
| Updates composed values of parent non-category properties, recursively. More...
bool | UsesAutoUnspecified () const |
| Returns true if containing grid uses wxPG_EX_AUTO_UNSPECIFIED_VALUES. More...
| wxObject () |
| Default ctor; initializes to NULL the internal reference data. More...
| wxObject (const wxObject &other) |
| Copy ctor. More...
virtual | ~wxObject () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual wxClassInfo * | GetClassInfo () const |
| This virtual function is redefined for every class that requires run-time type information, when using the wxDECLARE_CLASS macro (or similar). More...
wxObjectRefData * | GetRefData () const |
| Returns the wxObject::m_refData pointer, i.e. the data referenced by this object. More...
bool | IsKindOf (const wxClassInfo *info) const |
| Determines whether this class is a subclass of (or the same class as) the given class. More...
bool | IsSameAs (const wxObject &obj) const |
| Returns true if this object has the same data pointer as obj. More...
void | Ref (const wxObject &clone) |
| Makes this object refer to the data in clone. More...
void | SetRefData (wxObjectRefData *data) |
| Sets the wxObject::m_refData pointer. More...
void | UnRef () |
| Decrements the reference count in the associated data, and if it is zero, deletes the data. More...
void | UnShare () |
| This is the same of AllocExclusive() but this method is public. More...
void | operator delete (void *buf) |
| The delete operator is defined for debugging versions of the library only, when the identifier __WXDEBUG__ is defined. More...
void * | operator new (size_t size, const wxString &filename=NULL, int lineNum=0) |
| The new operator is defined for debugging versions of the library only, when the identifier __WXDEBUG__ is defined. More...