This is the complete list of members for wxGrid, including all inherited members.
AdjustScrollbars() | wxScrolled< T > | virtual |
AppendCols(int numCols=1, bool updateLabels=true) | wxGrid | |
AppendRows(int numRows=1, bool updateLabels=true) | wxGrid | |
AreHorzGridLinesClipped() const | wxGrid | |
AreVertGridLinesClipped() const | wxGrid | |
AssignTable(wxGridTableBase *table, wxGridSelectionModes selmode=wxGridSelectCells) | wxGrid | |
AutoSize() | wxGrid | |
AutoSizeColLabelSize(int col) | wxGrid | |
AutoSizeColumn(int col, bool setAsMin=true) | wxGrid | |
AutoSizeColumns(bool setAsMin=true) | wxGrid | |
AutoSizeRow(int row, bool setAsMin=true) | wxGrid | |
AutoSizeRowLabelSize(int col) | wxGrid | |
AutoSizeRows(bool setAsMin=true) | wxGrid | |
BeginBatch() | wxGrid | |
BlockToDeviceRect(const wxGridCellCoords &topLeft, const wxGridCellCoords &bottomRight, const wxGridWindow *gridWindow=NULL) const | wxGrid | |
CalcCellsExposed(const wxRegion ®, wxGridWindow *gridWindow=NULL) const | wxGrid | |
CalcColLabelsExposed(const wxRegion ®, wxGridWindow *gridWindow=NULL) const | wxGrid | |
CalcGridWindowScrolledPosition(int x, int y, int *xx, int *yy, const wxGridWindow *gridWindow) const | wxGrid | |
CalcGridWindowScrolledPosition(const wxPoint &pt, const wxGridWindow *gridWindow) const | wxGrid | |
CalcGridWindowUnscrolledPosition(int x, int y, int *xx, int *yy, const wxGridWindow *gridWindow) const | wxGrid | |
CalcGridWindowUnscrolledPosition(const wxPoint &pt, const wxGridWindow *gridWindow) const | wxGrid | |
CalcRowLabelsExposed(const wxRegion ®, wxGridWindow *gridWindow=NULL) const | wxGrid | |
CalcScrolledPosition(int x, int y, int *xx, int *yy) const | wxScrolled< T > | |
CalcScrolledPosition(const wxPoint &pt) const | wxScrolled< T > | |
CalcUnscrolledPosition(int x, int y, int *xx, int *yy) const | wxScrolled< T > | |
CalcUnscrolledPosition(const wxPoint &pt) const | wxScrolled< T > | |
CanDragCell() const | wxGrid | |
CanDragColMove() const | wxGrid | |
CanDragColSize(int col) const | wxGrid | |
CanDragGridColEdges() const | wxGrid | |
CanDragGridRowEdges() const | wxGrid | |
CanDragGridSize() const | wxGrid | |
CanDragRowMove() const | wxGrid | |
CanDragRowSize(int row) const | wxGrid | |
CanEnableCellControl() const | wxGrid | |
CanHaveAttributes() const | wxGrid | protected |
CanHideColumns() const | wxGrid | |
CellSpan enum name | wxGrid | |
CellSpan_Inside enum value | wxGrid | |
CellSpan_Main enum value | wxGrid | |
CellSpan_None enum value | wxGrid | |
CellToGridWindow(int row, int col) const | wxGrid | |
CellToGridWindow(const wxGridCellCoords &coords) const | wxGrid | |
CellToRect(int row, int col) const | wxGrid | |
CellToRect(const wxGridCellCoords &coords) const | wxGrid | |
ClearGrid() | wxGrid | |
ClearSelection() | wxGrid | |
ClipHorzGridLines(bool clip) | wxGrid | |
ClipVertGridLines(bool clip) | wxGrid | |
Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxWANTS_CHARS, const wxString &name=wxGridNameStr) | wxGrid | |
CreateGrid(int numRows, int numCols, wxGridSelectionModes selmode=wxGridSelectCells) | wxGrid | |
DeleteCols(int pos=0, int numCols=1, bool updateLabels=true) | wxGrid | |
DeleteRows(int pos=0, int numRows=1, bool updateLabels=true) | wxGrid | |
DeselectCell(int row, int col) | wxGrid | |
DeselectCol(int col) | wxGrid | |
DeselectRow(int row) | wxGrid | |
DevicePosToGridWindow(wxPoint pos) const | wxGrid | |
DevicePosToGridWindow(int x, int y) const | wxGrid | |
DisableCellEditControl() | wxGrid | |
DisableColResize(int col) | wxGrid | |
DisableDragColMove() | wxGrid | |
DisableDragColSize() | wxGrid | |
DisableDragGridSize() | wxGrid | |
DisableDragRowMove() | wxGrid | |
DisableDragRowSize() | wxGrid | |
DisableHidingColumns() | wxGrid | |
DisableKeyboardScrolling() | wxScrolled< T > | |
DisableRowResize(int row) | wxGrid | |
DoPrepareDC(wxDC &dc) | wxScrolled< T > | |
DrawCellHighlight(wxDC &dc, const wxGridCellAttr *attr) | wxGrid | virtual |
DrawColLabel(wxDC &dc, int col) | wxGrid | virtual |
DrawColLabels(wxDC &dc, const wxArrayInt &cols) | wxGrid | virtual |
DrawCornerLabel(wxDC &dc) | wxGrid | virtual |
DrawRowLabel(wxDC &dc, int row) | wxGrid | virtual |
DrawRowLabels(wxDC &dc, const wxArrayInt &rows) | wxGrid | virtual |
DrawTextRectangle(wxDC &dc, const wxString &text, const wxRect &rect, int horizontalAlignment=wxALIGN_LEFT, int verticalAlignment=wxALIGN_TOP, int textOrientation=wxHORIZONTAL) const | wxGrid | |
DrawTextRectangle(wxDC &dc, const wxArrayString &lines, const wxRect &rect, int horizontalAlignment=wxALIGN_LEFT, int verticalAlignment=wxALIGN_TOP, int textOrientation=wxHORIZONTAL) const | wxGrid | |
EnableCellEditControl(bool enable=true) | wxGrid | |
EnableDragCell(bool enable=true) | wxGrid | |
EnableDragColMove(bool enable=true) | wxGrid | |
EnableDragColSize(bool enable=true) | wxGrid | |
EnableDragGridSize(bool enable=true) | wxGrid | |
EnableDragRowMove(bool enable=true) | wxGrid | |
EnableDragRowSize(bool enable=true) | wxGrid | |
EnableEditing(bool edit) | wxGrid | |
EnableGridLines(bool enable=true) | wxGrid | |
EnableHidingColumns(bool enable=true) | wxGrid | |
EnableScrolling(bool xScrolling, bool yScrolling) | wxScrolled< T > | |
EndBatch() | wxGrid | |
Fit() | wxGrid | virtual |
ForceRefresh() | wxGrid | |
FreezeTo(unsigned row, unsigned col) | wxGrid | |
FreezeTo(const wxGridCellCoords &coords) | wxGrid | |
GetBatchCount() const | wxGrid | |
GetCellAlignment(int row, int col, int *horiz, int *vert) const | wxGrid | |
GetCellBackgroundColour(int row, int col) const | wxGrid | |
GetCellEditor(int row, int col) const | wxGrid | |
GetCellFitMode(int row, int col) const | wxGrid | |
GetCellFont(int row, int col) const | wxGrid | |
GetCellHighlightColour() const | wxGrid | |
GetCellHighlightPenWidth() const | wxGrid | |
GetCellHighlightROPenWidth() const | wxGrid | |
GetCellOverflow(int row, int col) const | wxGrid | |
GetCellRenderer(int row, int col) const | wxGrid | |
GetCellSize(int row, int col, int *num_rows, int *num_cols) const | wxGrid | |
GetCellSize(const wxGridCellCoords &coords) const | wxGrid | |
GetCellTextColour(int row, int col) const | wxGrid | |
GetCellValue(int row, int col) const | wxGrid | |
GetCellValue(const wxGridCellCoords &coords) const | wxGrid | |
GetColAt(int colPos) const | wxGrid | |
GetColGridLinePen(int col) | wxGrid | virtual |
GetColLabelAlignment(int *horiz, int *vert) const | wxGrid | |
GetColLabelSize() const | wxGrid | |
GetColLabelTextOrientation() const | wxGrid | |
GetColLabelValue(int col) const | wxGrid | |
GetColLeft(int col) const | wxGrid | protected |
GetColMinimalAcceptableWidth() const | wxGrid | |
GetColMinimalWidth(int col) const | wxGrid | protected |
GetColPos(int colID) const | wxGrid | |
GetColRight(int col) const | wxGrid | protected |
GetColSize(int col) const | wxGrid | |
GetColSizes() const | wxGrid | |
GetCornerLabelAlignment(int *horiz, int *vert) const | wxGrid | |
GetCornerLabelTextOrientation() const | wxGrid | |
GetCornerLabelValue() const | wxGrid | |
GetDefaultCellAlignment(int *horiz, int *vert) const | wxGrid | |
GetDefaultCellBackgroundColour() const | wxGrid | |
GetDefaultCellFitMode() const | wxGrid | |
GetDefaultCellFont() const | wxGrid | |
GetDefaultCellOverflow() const | wxGrid | |
GetDefaultCellTextColour() const | wxGrid | |
GetDefaultColLabelSize() const | wxGrid | |
GetDefaultColSize() const | wxGrid | |
GetDefaultEditor() const | wxGrid | |
GetDefaultEditorForCell(int row, int col) const | wxGrid | virtual |
GetDefaultEditorForCell(const wxGridCellCoords &c) const | wxGrid | |
GetDefaultEditorForType(const wxString &typeName) const | wxGrid | virtual |
GetDefaultGridLinePen() | wxGrid | virtual |
GetDefaultRenderer() const | wxGrid | |
GetDefaultRendererForCell(int row, int col) const | wxGrid | virtual |
GetDefaultRendererForType(const wxString &typeName) const | wxGrid | virtual |
GetDefaultRowLabelSize() const | wxGrid | |
GetDefaultRowSize() const | wxGrid | |
GetFirstFullyVisibleColumn() const | wxGrid | |
GetFirstFullyVisibleRow() const | wxGrid | |
GetFrozenColGridWindow() const | wxGrid | |
GetFrozenCornerGridWindow() const | wxGrid | |
GetFrozenRowGridWindow() const | wxGrid | |
GetGridColHeader() const | wxGrid | |
GetGridColLabelWindow() const | wxGrid | |
GetGridCornerLabelWindow() const | wxGrid | |
GetGridCursorCol() const | wxGrid | |
GetGridCursorCoords() const | wxGrid | |
GetGridCursorRow() const | wxGrid | |
GetGridLineColour() const | wxGrid | |
GetGridRowLabelWindow() const | wxGrid | |
GetGridWindow() const | wxGrid | |
GetGridWindowOffset(const wxGridWindow *gridWindow, int &x, int &y) const | wxGrid | |
GetGridWindowOffset(const wxGridWindow *gridWindow) const | wxGrid | |
GetLabelBackgroundColour() const | wxGrid | |
GetLabelFont() const | wxGrid | |
GetLabelTextColour() const | wxGrid | |
GetNumberCols() const | wxGrid | |
GetNumberFrozenCols() const | wxGrid | |
GetNumberFrozenRows() const | wxGrid | |
GetNumberRows() const | wxGrid | |
GetOrCreateCellAttr(int row, int col) const | wxGrid | |
GetOrCreateCellAttrPtr(int row, int col) const | wxGrid | |
GetRowAt(int rowPos) const | wxGrid | |
GetRowGridLinePen(int row) | wxGrid | virtual |
GetRowLabelAlignment(int *horiz, int *vert) const | wxGrid | |
GetRowLabelSize() const | wxGrid | |
GetRowLabelValue(int row) const | wxGrid | |
GetRowMinimalAcceptableHeight() const | wxGrid | |
GetRowMinimalHeight(int col) const | wxGrid | protected |
GetRowPos(int rowID) const | wxGrid | |
GetRowSize(int row) const | wxGrid | |
GetRowSizes() const | wxGrid | |
GetScaleX() const | wxScrolled< T > | |
GetScaleY() const | wxScrolled< T > | |
GetScrollLines(int orient) const | wxScrolled< T > | |
GetScrollLineX() const | wxGrid | |
GetScrollLineY() const | wxGrid | |
GetScrollPageSize(int orient) const | wxScrolled< T > | |
GetScrollPixelsPerUnit(int *xUnit, int *yUnit) const | wxScrolled< T > | |
GetSelectedBlocks() const | wxGrid | |
GetSelectedCells() const | wxGrid | |
GetSelectedColBlocks() const | wxGrid | |
GetSelectedCols() const | wxGrid | |
GetSelectedRowBlocks() const | wxGrid | |
GetSelectedRows() const | wxGrid | |
GetSelectionBackground() const | wxGrid | |
GetSelectionBlockBottomRight() const | wxGrid | |
GetSelectionBlockTopLeft() const | wxGrid | |
GetSelectionForeground() const | wxGrid | |
GetSelectionMode() const | wxGrid | |
GetSizeAvailableForScrollTarget(const wxSize &size) | wxScrolled< T > | protectedvirtual |
GetSortingColumn() const | wxGrid | |
GetTable() const | wxGrid | |
GetTargetRect() const | wxScrolled< T > | |
GetTargetWindow() const | wxScrolled< T > | |
GetViewStart(int *x, int *y) const | wxScrolled< T > | |
GetViewStart() const | wxScrolled< T > | |
GetVirtualSize(int *x, int *y) const | wxScrolled< T > | |
GoToCell(int row, int col) | wxGrid | |
GoToCell(const wxGridCellCoords &coords) | wxGrid | |
GridLinesEnabled() const | wxGrid | |
HideCellEditControl() | wxGrid | |
HideCol(int col) | wxGrid | |
HideColLabels() | wxGrid | |
HideRow(int col) | wxGrid | |
HideRowLabels() | wxGrid | |
InsertCols(int pos=0, int numCols=1, bool updateLabels=true) | wxGrid | |
InsertRows(int pos=0, int numRows=1, bool updateLabels=true) | wxGrid | |
IsAutoScrolling() const | wxScrolled< T > | |
IsCellEditControlEnabled() const | wxGrid | |
IsCellEditControlShown() const | wxGrid | |
IsColShown(int col) const | wxGrid | |
IsCurrentCellReadOnly() const | wxGrid | |
IsEditable() const | wxGrid | |
IsInSelection(int row, int col) const | wxGrid | |
IsInSelection(const wxGridCellCoords &coords) const | wxGrid | |
IsReadOnly(int row, int col) const | wxGrid | |
IsRetained() const | wxScrolled< T > | |
IsRowShown(int row) const | wxGrid | |
IsSelection() const | wxGrid | |
IsSortingBy(int col) const | wxGrid | |
IsSortOrderAscending() const | wxGrid | |
IsUsingNativeHeader() const | wxGrid | |
IsVisible(int row, int col, bool wholeCellVisible=true) const | wxGrid | |
IsVisible(const wxGridCellCoords &coords, bool wholeCellVisible=true) const | wxGrid | |
MakeCellVisible(int row, int col) | wxGrid | |
MakeCellVisible(const wxGridCellCoords &coords) | wxGrid | |
MoveCursorDown(bool expandSelection) | wxGrid | |
MoveCursorDownBlock(bool expandSelection) | wxGrid | |
MoveCursorLeft(bool expandSelection) | wxGrid | |
MoveCursorLeftBlock(bool expandSelection) | wxGrid | |
MoveCursorRight(bool expandSelection) | wxGrid | |
MoveCursorRightBlock(bool expandSelection) | wxGrid | |
MoveCursorUp(bool expandSelection) | wxGrid | |
MoveCursorUpBlock(bool expandSelection) | wxGrid | |
MovePageDown() | wxGrid | |
MovePageUp() | wxGrid | |
OnDraw(wxDC &dc) | wxScrolled< T > | virtual |
PrepareDC(wxDC &dc) | wxScrolled< T > | |
ProcessTableMessage(wxGridTableMessage &msg) | wxGrid | |
RefreshAttr(int row, int col) | wxGrid | |
RefreshBlock(const wxGridCellCoords &topLeft, const wxGridCellCoords &bottomRight) | wxGrid | |
RefreshBlock(int topRow, int leftCol, int bottomRow, int rightCol) | wxGrid | |
RegisterDataType(const wxString &typeName, wxGridCellRenderer *renderer, wxGridCellEditor *editor) | wxGrid | |
Render(wxDC &dc, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, const wxGridCellCoords &topLeft=wxGridCellCoords(-1, -1), const wxGridCellCoords &bottomRight=wxGridCellCoords(-1, -1), int style=wxGRID_DRAW_DEFAULT) | wxGrid | |
ResetColPos() | wxGrid | |
ResetRowPos() | wxGrid | |
SaveEditControlValue() | wxGrid | |
Scroll(int x, int y) | wxScrolled< T > | |
Scroll(const wxPoint &pt) | wxScrolled< T > | |
SelectAll() | wxGrid | |
SelectBlock(int topRow, int leftCol, int bottomRow, int rightCol, bool addToSelected=false) | wxGrid | |
SelectBlock(const wxGridCellCoords &topLeft, const wxGridCellCoords &bottomRight, bool addToSelected=false) | wxGrid | |
SelectCol(int col, bool addToSelected=false) | wxGrid | |
SelectRow(int row, bool addToSelected=false) | wxGrid | |
SendAutoScrollEvents(wxScrollWinEvent &event) const | wxScrolled< T > | virtual |
SetAttr(int row, int col, wxGridCellAttr *attr) | wxGrid | |
SetCellAlignment(int row, int col, int horiz, int vert) | wxGrid | |
SetCellAlignment(int align, int row, int col) | wxGrid | |
SetCellBackgroundColour(int row, int col, const wxColour &colour) | wxGrid | |
SetCellEditor(int row, int col, wxGridCellEditor *editor) | wxGrid | |
SetCellFitMode(int row, int col, wxGridFitMode fitMode) | wxGrid | |
SetCellFont(int row, int col, const wxFont &font) | wxGrid | |
SetCellHighlightColour(const wxColour &) | wxGrid | |
SetCellHighlightPenWidth(int width) | wxGrid | |
SetCellHighlightROPenWidth(int width) | wxGrid | |
SetCellOverflow(int row, int col, bool allow) | wxGrid | |
SetCellRenderer(int row, int col, wxGridCellRenderer *renderer) | wxGrid | |
SetCellSize(int row, int col, int num_rows, int num_cols) | wxGrid | |
SetCellTextColour(int row, int col, const wxColour &colour) | wxGrid | |
SetCellTextColour(const wxColour &val, int row, int col) | wxGrid | |
SetCellTextColour(const wxColour &colour) | wxGrid | |
SetCellValue(int row, int col, const wxString &s) | wxGrid | |
SetCellValue(const wxGridCellCoords &coords, const wxString &s) | wxGrid | |
SetCellValue(const wxString &val, int row, int col) | wxGrid | |
SetColAttr(int col, wxGridCellAttr *attr) | wxGrid | |
SetColFormatBool(int col) | wxGrid | |
SetColFormatCustom(int col, const wxString &typeName) | wxGrid | |
SetColFormatDate(int col, const wxString &format=wxString()) | wxGrid | |
SetColFormatFloat(int col, int width=-1, int precision=-1) | wxGrid | |
SetColFormatNumber(int col) | wxGrid | |
SetColLabelAlignment(int horiz, int vert) | wxGrid | |
SetColLabelSize(int height) | wxGrid | |
SetColLabelTextOrientation(int textOrientation) | wxGrid | |
SetColLabelValue(int col, const wxString &value) | wxGrid | |
SetColMinimalAcceptableWidth(int width) | wxGrid | |
SetColMinimalWidth(int col, int width) | wxGrid | |
SetColPos(int colID, int newPos) | wxGrid | |
SetColSize(int col, int width) | wxGrid | |
SetColSizes(const wxGridSizesInfo &sizeInfo) | wxGrid | |
SetColumnsOrder(const wxArrayInt &order) | wxGrid | |
SetCornerLabelAlignment(int horiz, int vert) | wxGrid | |
SetCornerLabelTextOrientation(int textOrientation) | wxGrid | |
SetCornerLabelValue(const wxString &) | wxGrid | |
SetDefaultCellAlignment(int horiz, int vert) | wxGrid | |
SetDefaultCellBackgroundColour(const wxColour &colour) | wxGrid | |
SetDefaultCellFitMode(wxGridFitMode fitMode) | wxGrid | |
SetDefaultCellFont(const wxFont &font) | wxGrid | |
SetDefaultCellOverflow(bool allow) | wxGrid | |
SetDefaultCellTextColour(const wxColour &colour) | wxGrid | |
SetDefaultColSize(int width, bool resizeExistingCols=false) | wxGrid | |
SetDefaultEditor(wxGridCellEditor *editor) | wxGrid | |
SetDefaultRenderer(wxGridCellRenderer *renderer) | wxGrid | |
SetDefaultRowSize(int height, bool resizeExistingRows=false) | wxGrid | |
SetGridCursor(int row, int col) | wxGrid | |
SetGridCursor(const wxGridCellCoords &coords) | wxGrid | |
SetGridFrozenBorderColour(const wxColour &) | wxGrid | |
SetGridFrozenBorderPenWidth(int width) | wxGrid | |
SetGridLineColour(const wxColour &colour) | wxGrid | |
SetLabelBackgroundColour(const wxColour &colour) | wxGrid | |
SetLabelFont(const wxFont &font) | wxGrid | |
SetLabelTextColour(const wxColour &colour) | wxGrid | |
SetMargins(int extraWidth, int extraHeight) | wxGrid | |
SetReadOnly(int row, int col, bool isReadOnly=true) | wxGrid | |
SetRowAttr(int row, wxGridCellAttr *attr) | wxGrid | |
SetRowLabelAlignment(int horiz, int vert) | wxGrid | |
SetRowLabelSize(int width) | wxGrid | |
SetRowLabelValue(int row, const wxString &value) | wxGrid | |
SetRowMinimalAcceptableHeight(int height) | wxGrid | |
SetRowMinimalHeight(int row, int height) | wxGrid | |
SetRowPos(int rowID, int newPos) | wxGrid | |
SetRowSize(int row, int height) | wxGrid | |
SetRowSizes(const wxGridSizesInfo &sizeInfo) | wxGrid | |
SetRowsOrder(const wxArrayInt &order) | wxGrid | |
SetScale(double xs, double ys) | wxScrolled< T > | |
SetScrollbars(int pixelsPerUnitX, int pixelsPerUnitY, int noUnitsX, int noUnitsY, int xPos=0, int yPos=0, bool noRefresh=false) | wxScrolled< T > | |
SetScrollLineX(int x) | wxGrid | |
SetScrollLineY(int y) | wxGrid | |
SetScrollPageSize(int orient, int pageSize) | wxScrolled< T > | |
SetScrollRate(int xstep, int ystep) | wxScrolled< T > | |
SetSelectionBackground(const wxColour &c) | wxGrid | |
SetSelectionForeground(const wxColour &c) | wxGrid | |
SetSelectionMode(wxGridSelectionModes selmode) | wxGrid | |
SetSortingColumn(int col, bool ascending=true) | wxGrid | |
SetTabBehaviour(TabBehaviour behaviour) | wxGrid | |
SetTable(wxGridTableBase *table, bool takeOwnership=false, wxGridSelectionModes selmode=wxGridSelectCells) | wxGrid | |
SetTargetRect(const wxRect &rect) | wxScrolled< T > | |
SetTargetWindow(wxWindow *window) | wxScrolled< T > | |
SetUseNativeColLabels(bool native=true) | wxGrid | |
ShouldScrollToChildOnFocus(wxWindow *child) | wxScrolled< T > | protectedvirtual |
ShowCellEditControl() | wxGrid | |
ShowCol(int col) | wxGrid | |
ShowRow(int col) | wxGrid | |
ShowScrollbars(wxScrollbarVisibility horz, wxScrollbarVisibility vert) | wxScrolled< T > | |
StopAutoScrolling() | wxScrolled< T > | |
Tab_Leave enum value | wxGrid | |
Tab_Stop enum value | wxGrid | |
Tab_Wrap enum value | wxGrid | |
TabBehaviour enum name | wxGrid | |
UnsetSortingColumn() | wxGrid | |
UseNativeColHeader(bool native=true) | wxGrid | |
wxGrid() | wxGrid | |
wxGrid(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxWANTS_CHARS, const wxString &name=wxGridNameStr) | wxGrid | |
wxGridSelectCells enum value | wxGrid | |
wxGridSelectColumns enum value | wxGrid | |
wxGridSelectionModes enum name | wxGrid | |
wxGridSelectNone enum value | wxGrid | |
wxGridSelectRows enum value | wxGrid | |
wxGridSelectRowsOrColumns enum value | wxGrid | |
wxScrolled() | wxScrolled< T > | |
wxScrolled(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=-1, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxHSCROLL|wxVSCROLL, const wxString &name="scrolledWindow") | wxScrolled< T > | |
XToCol(int x, bool clipToMinMax=false, wxGridWindow *gridWindow=NULL) const | wxGrid | |
XToEdgeOfCol(int x) const | wxGrid | |
XYToCell(int x, int y, wxGridWindow *gridWindow=NULL) const | wxGrid | |
XYToCell(const wxPoint &pos, wxGridWindow *gridWindow=NULL) const | wxGrid | |
YToEdgeOfRow(int y) const | wxGrid | |
YToRow(int y, bool clipToMinMax=false, wxGridWindow *gridWindow=NULL) const | wxGrid | |
~wxGrid() | wxGrid | virtual |